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Mary Sue

A Mary Sue or Gary Stu (male form) is often either a perfect or almost perfect character. They often appear in fan fictions and are sometimes based on the author themselves.

If the Mary Sue or Gary Stu is based on the author, they normally have qualities that the author wishes they had.
For example, they wish to be more popular or better looking.

When a Mary Sue or Gary Stu is written into a fan fiction, it will often cause canon (original) characters to become OOC (out of character). They often have terrible, grief-filled pasts and 'need' a certain canon character to understand them or they have a past that is the exact same or very similar to a canon character's.

Mary Sues and Gary Stus are mostly found in new writers or written in fan fictions by more exprerienced writers for fun.

They also tend to have either very common or extremely strange and exotic names or, if they are made for fun, will sometimes have the name Mary Sue or Gary Stu.

Mary Sue had a horribly tragic past.
When she was only a baby, her parents had been murdered by Voldemort because they had been trying to protect her.

However, when Voldemort tried to kill her it backfired and left her with only a scar.

by ManamixChan December 29, 2010

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Sue me, bitch

The best thing to say to a teacher when she bitches at you for not doing your homework. Accompanied usually by double flipping the birds. Is COMPLETELY worth a detention/suspension for the pure satisfaction it brings a student.

Bitchy Teacher: Yo Jim where yo hw at dawg
You: SUE ME, BITCH! n1n o.o n1n

by The blackest nerd March 8, 2011

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Sue de Bruin

A crazy bitch from South Africa who tries to teach but really just rambles on about her dry sex life all the time.

Dude that class was so Sue de Bruin I fell asleep with an inverted penis

by Gobbler69 February 9, 2010

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katelynne sue adams

a very weird girl with add, adhd, and bipolar disorder

omg did u see tht katelynne sue adams shes all hyper and tlking in a pitchy voice and she was saying sumthing all nice then she growled "SQUIRREL"

by morgan blossey May 1, 2010

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Mary-Sue mothership

The Mary-Sue mothership takes on the same concept of Mary-Sue (or Gary-Stu, depending on the case), but this term stands for both the Mary-Sue and the Suethor who created the Mary-Sue in question.

In this case, however, the 'pairing' between the Mary-Sue and the canon character will have gathered a club of fans who follow the Suethor's every art or literature featuring the Mary-Sue and canon character, of whom would, 99.9% of the time, be turned OOC (out of character).

The Suethor's avid fan club becomes very loyal to the Suethor, giving the Suethor art gifts featuring the Mary-Sue in scenes with the canon character in their own artistic style.

Mary-Sue motherships are more than likely to be found at DeviantART, but some Suethors show off the work of their followers at Photobucket or other image site.

If there is ever a setting where a Gary-Stu character is involved, it is termed the "Gary-Stu Death Star."

The numerous images featuring the Mary-Sue and canon character fighting against the world or having babies can be termed "Mary-Sue motherload."

"Holy crap, I just spotted another Mary-Sue mothership. M-S MOTHERSHIP! TWELVE O'CLOCK!! IT'S HEADED RIGHT FOR US!!"

At the very heart of a Mary-Sue mothership is an insecure individual who is angsty and only wants to elope with a towdally osm fictional character who will marry them, give them babies, and live happily ever after. The End.

by Radiant Chaos April 16, 2010

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sue miley

a futanatri the just wants to make babies with her huband , kai satou

kai: no, sue miley , i will not make any more children

by XxxK1Y0K3T4M1N3xxX October 23, 2020

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Tammy Sue Slaughter

A Sexy Cute Succubus that will lure you in with Her Big Beautiful Fuck Me Eyes then Suck your soul out through your butthole!!

She did a Tammy Sue Slaughter on him then he was never the same again, that poor guy!!!

by Sexy Mama Sue October 28, 2020

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