This word is a name that you call someone that looks like Theodore from Alvin and the Chipmunks. Especially if your name is Miranda. This might be some names of your group chats.
yadi:hey tiggle swat!
miranda: hey girl!
What you perform when a biting insect lands on a "strictly-hands-off" area of someone else's body, and so you have to use a crumpled piece of fabric to dispatch said blood-sucker.
Tiffany and I were out for an afternoon beach-stroll and a mosquito landed on her butt --- naturally I couldn't touch her "down there" while we were in public, but we both still were carrying our beach-towels, so I hastily bunched mine up and gave that impudent insect a wad-swat.
SWAT pants.
Many confuse this with pants that actual SWAT forces wears, but it has a very different definition.
SWAT pants are pants that are worn by drug dealers, terrorists, and others who do criminal activities.
SWAT pants are basically sweatpants, but are worn, when you know you there is a chance to be SWAT'd in the near future. (because you are a criminal, duuuhhh). This is because sweatpants are very comfortable, and are very handy because you will most likely end up for a couple hours in a police station, before they give you your jaily new official criminal uniform. (Which you will proudly wear in jail).
I use wear normal pants, but after becoming a terrorist, I now wear SWAT pants, so I am comfortably prepared for the SWAT team.
This is the name you give "liam" if he is not so nice.
A simple abbreviation of smoke weed and then pop bottles; used mainly for kids under 21 so that their parents won't know what they're really doing
Jon: "Are we still gonna swat lead this weekend?"
Mark: "Fuck yeah man"