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silent stalker

a gas that escapes from your pants without a sound. Usually catches people off guard and starts a gagging sensation. Yah

Christ Jim...check your pants, those silent stalkers are making me gag. Yah

by Big EE November 5, 2004

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Stick Stalker

The opposite of a Chubby Chaser. Someone who loves those really skinny chicks.

That girl walks around the room slicing people open with her exposed ribs. Milt thinks she's hot. He's a Stick Stalker.

by CiRenze March 22, 2009

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Stem stalker

When using a glass pipe there is always that one tweaker who is waiting for the pipe to be set down so that they can burn your stem down for another hit after you leave the room. Wrapping the stem of your pipe with electric tape can be an effective counter.

"Watch yo piezo bro, that guy Armondo is a certified stem stalker. He'll run your stem down and black your bowl up right in front of you!"

by FlavioMaximo September 19, 2013

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stalker enabler

when someone puts everything they are doing that day on their status. No one cares! stalker enablers allow stalkers to know where they are going to be that day and what they're doing.

"her status was "going to suzzy's house and then the mall and maybe a party at my house at 7" wow i could follow her so easily, she is a stalker enabler."

by hncjo0094 February 20, 2009

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pizza stalker

A person who eats pizza more then once a week, but orders from different places each time as to not appear to be a "pizza stalker".

I had pizza from dolce for lunch and now I want Crazies pizza for dinner. I feel like such a pizza stalker.

by Freakylive December 16, 2014

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stalker love

obsessive, unhealthy, unrequited, creepy love for someone marked by unwelcomed attention or attempts to contact or be around the person. In extreme cases, a restraining order is required.

If you don't let her go, your feelings for her are going to turn into stalker love. She hasn't returned any of your calls or txts. Just let it burn.

by Doublestuff December 5, 2008

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aim stalker

One who uses AIM to stalk others online by obsessively reading their profiles and checking their away messages. Those people stalked do not know that they are being stalked.

Julia: Hey, did you hear? Brad won't be at the party, he's going skiing this weekend.
Lauren: How did you hear that, you and Brad aren't friends?
Julia: I'm an aim stalker, I read his away message.

by bliss0832 April 4, 2005

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