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neshaminy mall

neshaminy mall back in the day was a place where a bunch of kids could get together and smoke pot all day. Now, it is over come with 12 year olds who dont where clothes so they can try and score 18 year olds, who will let them score them.

That girl is 12 ill probably have sex with her even though im 43, because its neshaminy mall

by former mall rat September 21, 2008

41๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mini Mall

Montgomery Flea Market is just like a Mini Mall it has living rooms, bedrooms, dinetes. Flea Market Montgomery, is just like a Mini Mall. It gets you jumpin'.

Montgomery got his commercial about his Mini Mall broadcast all over the nation.

by Arkanic August 26, 2007

27๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mall Emo

Think's they're super hardcore and emo for listening to Evanescence and Linkin Park. They wander around the mall most of the time looking depressed and hanging around Hot Topic or Spencer.

They often wear:

1.) Plaid with pink, black, red, etc.
2.) Hot Topic skirts over jeans covered in patches
3.) Vans or Converse
4.) Messy hair, usually dull, unwashed brown, with cheap green highlights, or some other weird color.
5.) Chains and dirty old wristbands.
6.) Ripped HIM concert tees.
7.) chipped black nailpolish
8.) TONS of black eyeshadow and too much eyeliner.

Kayla the Mall Emo is such a poser.

by Alcoholic Politics November 27, 2008

27๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Palisades Mall

A large Mall in west Nyack rockland. Nickname as the "New Mall", in comparison to the "Old Mall" located in Nanuet. Four floors, constanly shaking, because it's too big for it's own good, and built in a literal dump.

"Let's go the Old Mall, I'm sick of the New Mall."

"There's only one Starbucks in the Palisades Mall?"

by Arex-kun December 25, 2004

57๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

mall punk

a genre of tshitty overrated pop-punk music popularized by bands such as sum 41, good charlotte, and simple plan. This type of music in no way relates to past meaning of punk, but takes on a new form in meaning partying, girls and shopping at malls. It's basically what hair bands were in the 80's, cheezy bullishit.

mall punk is so gay

by mystery January 16, 2004

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Mall mouth

A person to give out too many blowjobs and gets HIV from it

I bet that slut got mall mouth

by Jakethestonner420 July 31, 2016

9๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mall Dump

A dump that one would likely find in a mall bathroom toilet because the producer was so proud of it that he/she decided not to flush so that other people could see it. Can also be used to describe the estimated size of an upcoming dump.

Hey Eric check out this Mall Dump I just took in your toilet...SWEET!...or...Dude we gotta find a bathroom quick because I have to take a massive Mall Dump...HURRY!

by Baroo72 February 16, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž