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Bro Talk

To add onto the Bro Talk definition by BambiBro......
It can be an even deeper discussion about your boys lives. Things said in bro talk sometimes have to stay with that group and that's how it is. Bro talk is all about respect and trust in your boys.

Zach: Bro talk last night was so intense.
Evan: I know, i feel you dude.
Zach: Yeah everyone got into it. Whatever was said stays with us.
Evan: Fashoda man. Legit Bro talk last night. To Terence's grandma.

by BambiBro2 September 8, 2009

167πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž

talking to yourself

Generally it is better if you keep the conversation that you are having with yourself in your head so people refrain from calling you any number of names starting with insane, unless of course it is a very interesting conversation on a very boring rainy day where other mental stimulation is nowhere to be found and a crazy person is funny not weird. During these circumstances it is always better to overdo it so the general public thinks you are kidding.

You are not crazy if you are talking to yourself as long as you do not answer.

"MOM! Johnny is talking to himself again!"
"Dont worry about it honey hes got nothing better to do today if you want to start talking to yourself, i am sure his personalities wont mind."

by tuxy August 6, 2009

81πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

crazy talk

Talk that makes no sense at all. Talking outta your ass. Talking stupid.

"Man that guy over by the bar is talking straight up crazy talk."

by Steve Winkler January 26, 2005

99πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


The pinnacle of speech, the language of gods, a manner of speaking so complex that only true legends can understand. A language that doesn’t just consist of words but also relies on how it is said. The ability to make up a word from nothing and the recipient of this gospel still understands what it is. All shit-talk needs is a topic and nothing else.

Zeus: how is the ocean

Poseidon: there is an enigma of procrastination in the seas as I notice from my recent discoveries but it’s certainly doesn’t lack in potential(Shit-talk for β€œit’s all good”).

Zeus: glad to know it’s good

by Procrastimatrix March 8, 2018

83πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

talk to the hand

A saying used to ignore and disregard a comment or an insult when you can't think of a way to counter it. When this phrase is used, it is customary to raise your hand, palm facing out, and place it almost touching your adversary's face. This can make even the most civil person raging mad. Another variation is "talk to the hand 'cause the face don't give a damn'." I really did not know that people still said this.

Misty: Kylee, you a nasty, ugly, stupid-
Kylee: Talk to the hand. (Raises hand to Misty's face.)

by Mia September 1, 2003

908πŸ‘ 180πŸ‘Ž

milch talk

Speaking in iambic pentameter with a steady stream of obscenity, ala HBO's "Deadwood."

Voice from the box-"Welcome to Macdonald's, can I take your order?"

Driver-"Would a motherfucker be so fuckin' blind
as undiscerning to discern
the motherfuckin' value of fuckin value meal partook?"

Voice- "That'll be $6.49, please drive around to the second window, and thank you for choosing Motherfuckin' Macdonald's, Milch talker."

by Pantaloon January 17, 2008

55πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž


When one, particularly a younger person, ends every phrase and sentence as if it were a question. This practice could be derived from the "valley girl" excuse for talking during the nineties, but many people still do it today out of uncontrollable habit.

Teacher: Okay Tommy, it's your turn to present.

Tommy: oKAY(?) I was at the STORE(?) And there was the GUY(?) and like...

Teacher: okay. NEXT.

by stray December 15, 2004

66πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž