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Sebastian Issue

The person that felt left out

Me:you got skilled issue
someone:what and how u keep saying skill issue
Me:Because you got Sebastian issue
Someone: :skull: what

by guess that unknown guy May 6, 2023

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trust issues

thanos bean

thanos bean is responsible for 90% of my trust issues

by jazzyplants April 13, 2021

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Daddy Issues

A young gayboy rejected by his father seeking for older gay men on Grindr to compensate his difficult childhood.

β€žYesterday i dated this younger gay guy in a bar. OMFG he has some daddy issues...β€œ

by berlindaddy June 2, 2018

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Daddy Issues

She filters the world through the lenses of
schemas self-fulfilling prophecies of

submissiveness to the dominance of


she lives at the mercy of.

β€œShe’s such a people pleaser, does she have daddy issues or something?”

by poetB March 14, 2022

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Skill issue

"Skill issue" is something people say to someone when they complain about something out of their control, mainly in video-games.

Don't say this if you don't want to be annoying. Most people who say this are young teenage boys trying to be funny, but fun fact; it's not after saying it 50 times.

The origin (I think) is from a line in Overwatch where D.Va, a character in the game, says, "It's a skill issue" after eliminating someone.

1:"Why are you guys 1v4ing me i'm a beginner in this game"

2:"skill issue"

by lemon_squizz October 15, 2022

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Skill Issue

Used by 12 year olds when their opponent loses in a match or game, like roblox.

Random bacon hair: Skill Issue haha ( leaves game sarcastically )

by Wafflecrow March 7, 2022

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Skill issue

Usually said ironically after something godawful happens in a game that is outside player control. Alternatively, when a player is doing something obviously incorrectly and blames the game, that is unironically a skill issue.

"man, I keep getting rolled by awful RNG"
"seems like a skill issue" -Ironic

"My opponents keep playing 1e4 in my chess games, it's the best move and so I can't win unless they blunder"
"that is most definitely a skill issue, my dude" -unironic

by speedyNEET May 30, 2022

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