Utterly and undefiantly perfect. The sole meaning of life. There is only one being who has reached this divine state, but He is to be untold.
To wrong is human. To be divine is T-delicious.
Said by a wise man named "Gallant Gallade."
Nips are delicious!
A godly pub located in New Jersey, The food their is said to give you god powers
Person: hey wanna go to delicious heights?
Person 2: Y E S
Liquid gold imbibed by Noisekingr. Usually made by the Screecher or Motorcyle-Child-Dog Centaur hybrids.
A chick with good pussy or head but she ugly as fuck
Boy I know you not fucking with Brenda.
Yeah man but you know she ugly delicious.
When something tastes so good, you start mashing positive descriptives with negative ones.
"How do you like your dinner?"
"It's delicious pooey!"
When the dude's so short he eats his woman's box while both standing.
I met a woman who was a foot taller than me so I gave her the delicious by design.