When something is so incredibly on fleek, it surpasses all known boundaries of fleekness.
Damn...her hair looks so good, it's beyond fleek.
Someone who is beyond all therapy and rehab.
My dad is beyond help.
A known roblox game built around the Asian Filipino culture. (may change based on Valindras mood)
Girl!! The scripting in Les Beyond East is SO messy!!
After her friend's passing, a young-looking long-lived Elf Mage goes on a quest to understand humans, create a family of choice and meet her old friend's spirit in the afterlife.
Frieren: Beyond Journey's End is a BEAUTIFUL anime. You might enjoy it.
When an odor is so dearly strong/odiferous it is beyond amelioration from an odor eliminating product. Also known as "Beyond Oust".
- guy walks into friend's apartment after a night of intense partying-
guy 1: Jesus Christ, is that vomit in between the couch?
guy 2: No, that's salsa, the puke is over there in the sink... and over in the closet... and in-
guy 1: Dude, this crap is beyond febreze