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Reverse Dutch Oven

When someone takes a draw of a vape, then blows the smoke into a vagina/asshole. The vagina/asshole then queefs or farts back into the recipients mouth

The girls and I had a sleepover last night and spent the whole time in a reverse Dutch Oven train.

by MethanieandKakrak April 16, 2023

Reverse Dutch Oven

When you are in bed, waiting forever for your partner to get in with you. Exasperated, you give up and fart as they finally approach, then pull down the covers so that they get a little token of your appreciation for having to wait so long

I waited twenty minutes for her to come to bed. Now she’s going to get a reverse Dutch oven!

by mek804 February 23, 2024

redneck dutch oven

When your girl is taking a shower and you open the door fart inside and close and hold the door while she screams bloody murder and claws at the door trying to get out

Betty Ann broke up with me after I gave her the redneck dutch oven

by Indabutt June 11, 2024

Dutch Oven Staub

When you discreetly fluff a fart or toot under the blankets then unfurl it into your partners face. Upon impact you stab (or Staub) her in eye with your dick. This can only be accomplished with a raging boner.

She would have kissed me good night if not for the Dutch Oven Staub I unleashed.

by ContestPhenom November 10, 2019

queef Dutch oven

When a male is performing oral sex on a woman and she aggressively queefs.

She gave me a queef Dutch oven last night. I loved it!

by QueefQueen666 August 30, 2023

Miranda’s Dutch oven

Using the vibration of the Dutch oven to warm your partner

Renée was cold so her partner gave her the ole Miranda’s Dutch Oven to warm her up

by Fryeman March 9, 2021

dutch oven knobber

Eat a good Mexican meal, the hotter the better. That night when your woman has the covers over her body and is giving you a blow job. Fart and grab the covers to put over her head. See how long you can hold her under.

Last night I gave my ol lady a 10 second Dutch Oven Knobber

by MultiStateUpperdecker March 20, 2019