An expletive uttered when a sneaky opossum sabotages your Wheeling Rig or brings about other off-road misfortune.
My Red GMC Sierra hydro locked when crossing a deep mud wallow. PJ Fuck!
a whale on the beach who wants to kill all humans
a big lug
o my god, its a pj tusch!!! everybody run for yor life.
Famous for not knowing shit when it comes to crocodiles and alligators
Will tell you they look nothing alike just to show how stupid people can really be
Did you see that alligator?
Dude that’s a croc they look nothing alike
Wow you’re really PJ famous huh?
Leaving your home in your pajamas when you don't want to go anywhere but must have food. Usually associated with long nights of intoxication, followed by intense after morning hunger. Kinda like an escapade, but with pajamas.
"Dude i need a Sundae Pie from the BK lounge, this calls for a PJ Rollout."
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He is a badass guy who loves to cheat chicks. Once he loved a girl named Manuel koothi , which is his only relationship which lasted for more than a month. He is also known as Black mamba. Guys! You too be careful with him because he's turning gay.
When you nut in a Dr. Pepper and don't tell your partner. Then they drink it, without knowing about the nut.
"EWWWWW!!! Why's the lip of my soda slimy!"
"My spouse and their Dr. PJ"