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dello scum

1. One who resides in St Helens Oregon.

2. A person likely to appear on multiple episodes of cops.

I had to head over to Sunshine pizza in St Helens and get some rice krispie treats. Man that town stinks.

That's because it's filled with nothing but dello scum.

by dead777 August 26, 2008

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chum scum

stating that the subject is a gay, party pooper

example: jessica, why did you leave the party just cause you had homework?..... your a chum scum.

by shane scheffler September 14, 2006

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Sis' Scum

A younger sister, who has a vagina, that assumes everyone of a binary gender.

Shut up Carrie, you Sis' Scum! Let my friend be who they want to be!

by Mafi- October 10, 2017

villa scumming

When someone sticks only their middle finger up and shouts villa scumto people around without context

Fat ginger was down the pub and Other fat bold man walked in with his middle finger up shouting VILLA SCUM fat ginger asked what he was doing Fat boldy said I’m villa scumming.

A teacher doesn’t let someone to the toilet so when she turns her back two bestfriends stick their middle finger up and shout Villa scum, the teacher asked why pupils were saying villa scum they replied with “its villa scumming day”

by rubymonahan October 30, 2019

Alpha Scum

Entitled "Alpha" males (and females) who are more stupid than a bag of rocks and do not contribute to society in a positive way by any means. Steroid pushing muscle retards whos only arguement is how many more women they slept with. The dirt under boots of society who should not be allowed to reproduce.

"Look at Chad over there flexing his muscles every time he walks to a different weight machine. What an Alpha Scum."

by Tw1nm3t3or April 4, 2017

scum run

A scum run is going out drinking in pubs in rural areas of a town or city and getting extremely drunk with the locals.

For example Dale Pickford likes to go on a scum run down Waterloo Road and loves going in the The Dog and Partridge pub!

by TheConcaver December 31, 2015

Pie Scum

Urban hipsters with worthless vanity businesses like combination videography/gourmet bakery stores in "edgy" former industrial neighborhoods.

That Pie Scum keeps moving into these neighborhoods and displacing legitimate businesses with cupcake stores.

by Death Squad April 20, 2015