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Taylor Swift

A beautiful and incredibly talented singer whose blue eyes apparently put the stars in Georgia to shame.

Girl #1: Who sings that great song "Tim McGraw"???
Girl #2: That beautiful and incredibly talented singer Taylor Swift of course!!!

by jklsdfrsfpgdsrfopqw September 19, 2007

6741๐Ÿ‘ 6639๐Ÿ‘Ž

Taylor Swift

A girl version of Justin Bieber

Can't really sing nor play guitar
All of their songs are about stupid made-up love and only has two different chords
Acts like they're 5 years younger
Idols of retarded 6-13 years old girls

Little Girl: When I grow up, I want to be like Taylor Swift!

Girl 2: Isn't she the "country" singer with fucking mediocre songs with stupid lyrics?
Guy: Yeah, just like Justin Bieber

by Zimamindfucks December 23, 2010

656๐Ÿ‘ 625๐Ÿ‘Ž

John Swift

A asshat who annoys my cousin and hates everyone because he cant get someone to suck his dick

sometimes is just wanna kill john swift ya' know

by A psychotic dreamer June 15, 2017

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Taylor Swift

Taylor Alison Swift was born on December 13, 1989 in Reading, PA. She is, despite popular belief, a hugely down to earth (and i say this objectively) and positive person. She is extremely talented, and there is a huge misconception that she only sings about love. She has written hundreds of songs about finding out who you are (A Place in This World), fighting cancer (Soon Youโ€™ll Get Better) and many other issues sheโ€™s come across in her lifetime that are often overlooked. i have also had people tell me that the only reason she became famous was because she was wealthy and upper class, which she was not. she grew up on a farm, dreaming of someday being able to afford things she wanted. she is an extremely talented human. stop hating.

โ€œi think i love taylor swiftโ€
โ€œbut...sheโ€™s a huge slutโ€

โ€œSHUT UP VERONICA youโ€™re 12 and youโ€™ve dated 8 guys, sheโ€™s dated 7 and sheโ€™s 29.โ€

by TAYLOR SWIFT STANNIE September 21, 2019

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Taylor Swift

A very sweet Grammy winning artist. Singer/songwriter born December 13, 1989. She sings about her life and things she may be going through. She cares for each and every one of her fans and is a cat lover.

Taylor Swift has amazing music

by Claraswiftie13 August 16, 2017

8๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


To be made a fool of. To look like a horses ass. To take it up the "Poop-Shoot" in a presidential election and still think of yourself as some kinda war hero.

John Kerry got "swift-boated" in the 2004 presidential election.

by JihadGene September 15, 2006

352๐Ÿ‘ 321๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. T-swift - Is the termination of an intimate relationship by any means other than death and writing a hit song about it.

2. T-swifted - used often as a comeback when you or your mate gets "burned"

1. I can't believe he gave you the old T-swift! You're too good for him girlfriend

2. Becky you just got T-swifted! Damn hahaha

by shibbyzeroskater January 16, 2013

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