One who is unaware but aware at the same time and cabbage. TURK, TURKEY
What's up Turk, you going swimming today?
Somebody that is Kurdish but became "turkish" when they got vanished in the Anatolian mountains.
Hey mate, where have you been? (Speaks kurdish)
&"%"&"(") throws a rock!!! (Became a Turk)
Son of suat turk, sexiest man alive, has a mother, a father and 3 sisters
Kaan turk is so hot
(Türk işi) A device, structure or any work done half-assedly, cheaply, crudely and possibly in an illegal manner but somehow fuctions and serves it's intended purpouse. Typically executed by a Turk with the intention of saving money or time.
The electrician having ran out of wiring, connected the light switch to the main line using copper piping, serving as the epitome of Turk work.
that is a meme like word Turks use for know eachother in international places in web or irl
''sa beyler turk war mi''
''var aq'' (hell yea)
Donk-Monk-Turk was a word combination of Donkey, Monkey and Turkey two animal names with ending of the word "key"
Look I'm feeding to the Donk-Monk-Turk a creature that looks strange