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Champ Slap

To slap another friend on the buttock in order to motivate that person to get snacks.

Guy 1: Aye man, get us some snacks.
Guy 2: Man, I don't feel like it.
Guy 1: Alright, look. I'll go get them but since I really don't want to, I need a Champ Slap to get motivated.

by Seto Osiris November 8, 2009

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Breakfast Of Champs

Waking up after a long night of raging with your friends you all go eat together regardless of time.

After all that vodka let's go to dennys and have breakfast of champs!

by cleatthemeat April 4, 2018

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People's Champ

All round good c*nt. Knows how to please a couple sandwiches on a friday night, not shy of a bit of action. The Peoples's Champ can deliver top quality yesterday and he does it with style.

You heard of that Martin Brown c*nt?
Yeah; he's a real People's Champ

by d-d-danger October 15, 2019

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The amazing catchphrase of the super sexy and handsome. (As well as intelligent) Daredbog115. It’s like Pogchamp but better.

β€œDared your cracked at crypto”


β€œOmg marry me”

by MRVN boi January 19, 2021

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chump champ

An ugly guy who only gets girls through his high financial status in life.

1. Why is that hot ass girl all over you? You got a fat face and you ugly. And dumb too.

2. I bought her a new car thats when she told me she loved me.

1. what a chump champ.

1. <broke but cockblocks him and drives off in the car he just bought for hot girl>

by homelesspimp January 9, 2010

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The boner champ

Something that to most is not a real thing, kind of like santa or the Easter bunny. But me brea rt an julie know the truth that he is real

Sara- justin do what I say I'm bossy
Justin- but Mike the boner champ
Sara- that's not real

Justin, brea, julie, and rt all look at eachother and wink cause they know the truth. Mike is the boner champ

by Tainty McBalls February 17, 2021

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Champs Charter Highschool

Champs Charter High is essentially a sad groups of misfit druggies, weaboos, and kids who weren't accepted into LAHCSA. About 80% of the schools population is highly addicted to nicotine and listens to lil peep or some shitty underground band that makes them believe they are unique and an outsider to the rest of the world, which in reality they're just some kid trying to be edgy.

Girl: Wtf, do you see those kids in the corner snorting xanax?
Boy: Oh ya, those are just Champs Charter Highschool kids doing their thing.

by lolalovesyou July 29, 2018

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