The propensity to drop 2ST + 1ST together while playing LWSB thinking that’s a great strategy. (It is not a great strategy).
Every match seems like a constant barrage of trooper dumps.
White Dudes that only date black people make or female.
“Hey did you hear Trevor went Dirt Trooper all up in Jamal’s pooper? “
“Doesn’t surprise me at all you know his sister is a Mudshark. “
“troops” or groups of boys or girls that seek out particular individuals when they becomes focused on spirituality or deen.
if someone someone was becoming more spiritual, and suddenly a girl starts talking to him.
The girl may be labeled as a shaytani trooper, as shaytan has made her attracted to him/her to distract the person from their spiritual connections
shaytani trooper definition: someone attracted to someone else who has become more inclined to their deen.
ez: He fell to the shaytani troopers
A skin that every kid wants to look cool but is actually a nerd
I got the og ghoul trooper I’m so cool.
A young individual who constantly wears a matching nike tech fleece. They often aspire to be roadmen.
Look at that tech trooper sucking on his vape. He must think he's hard.
A lesbian that exclusively enter relationships with transgender women, not because of a fetish, but because she hates men so much and does it as a transphobic method to dominate over men.
"do you ever find it weird how Kiara rants about men constantly, and then only dates trans women?"
"yeah, she does it cause she's a Dom Trooper."
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dressing up potatoes to make a Star Wars style storm trooper from Mr. Potato Head pieces.
I was so bored last night, i made my own tater trooper army.
tater potato head trooper