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Dirty Tweaker

When you finger someone's ass and wipe their shit on their teeth.

I fingered my girlfriend and she laughed at me when she saw the shit on my finger so I gave those pearly whites a dirty tweaker.

by Somefaka February 6, 2022

tweaker muffin

A Tweaker with a muffin top

Look at that tweaker muffin!

by XHennessyx May 1, 2023

Tweaker Tendencies

A person who routinely displays similar habits as a tweaker but has no reputation of being a crackhead. This is only because this person hasn’t been caught yet. People with Tweaker Tendencies have an opposite schedule than society. They may have piles of scrap metal on the front lawn, they do all their chores around midnight. There’s usually some yelling and arguing with a spouse and a dog barking to round out the 3rd shift madness. In extreme cases, they’ll take their car apart but ride a bike everywhere. They blame everyone but themselves for the things they misplaced.

“The new neighbor keeps mean mugging me and blaming me for stealing his tools one-by-one. The Tweaker Tendencies are off the hook

by Douchey Belushi January 19, 2025


adj. Hype, Intense, Exciting (Usually in music)
noun. A crackhead who is hyperactive.

Hey John, check out this tweaker playlist!

by trk.melody on Twitch March 4, 2021


Ryan Soria

to be tweaked or tweaking it or called tweaker

by Johnny scam January 24, 2017


Someone who's high on Methamphetamine, dope, shyt, icecream, crystal, Annie, clear, glass, shake n bake, crank, speed, And nom nom just to list the different names it has so far. It causes the user to be unable to sleep, become paranoid, a lot of the times to an unrealistic extent where they honestly believe shadow people are out to get them or there are shadow people in the trees, some will pick at their face, pick at what they believe are "Meth Mites" in their skin, which will in return cause lesions on the skin, their jaw will uncontrollably "rock" from side to side, this is worsened when talking or concentrating on whatever random project they're doing, most will have a dirty home, very few will have an extremely clean one, those will also feel like no one can see that they are clearly "wired for sound" and might vigorously clean things outside their home, like their SUV/Car/Truck, in doing so they will also do so in a scatter brain, squirrel chasing nuts kind of fashion. These meth heads will always be around the exact same group of people. Occasionally you will see the same set of different faces show up for a period of time, which most likely will be the supplier.

"The girl JayJay is going to lost that kid and her apartment, all because she'd rather be a tweaker and to meth."

"That tweaker Lachelle looked insanely bad the other night when the cops showed up. She ended up showing she wasn't really Jayjays friend at all and they still "trick" together for small bags of "dope"."

"How has no one taken that beautiful baby girl out of there yet with her "tweaker" mother neglecting her and having all those strange men and smoking all that "meth" around her?"

by J_DiSilvio92 April 5, 2022


When using marijuana you or another person doing something dumb,crazy,stupid or slightly funny

"Bruh watch this"
(Does a flip and falls)
"Oh shit your a tweaker bruh"
"Chill bruh im good"
Tweaking-Smacked ,High asf,doing dumb/funny stuff

by Coolio zoolio March 19, 2018