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Nuh uh

A phrase used by pedophiles to deny that they like kids; also commonly used as a code word to identify fellow pedophiles.

R: You touch little kids
D: nuh uh

by archaicfirestarter August 5, 2023

14👍 12👎

B uh

When you miss typed the r in bruh

B uh what you mean

by Zoul04 September 14, 2020

Uh Sniper

A Fortnite YouTuber, who is a great guy.
Someone on youtube that you should be subscribed to!

"I am subscribed to Uh Sniper on YouTube, check out his channel and subscribe!" said Peter to Left Shark

by Uh Sniper May 14, 2019


When your balls are big and your dick is bigger.

Dude 1: Aces in Valorant
Dude 2: ACE-UH!

by Jerry Smith's Dog November 14, 2021



What do y'all do round he-uh?

by Tcough23 May 6, 2016

period uh


omfg rebecca is so period uh

by anonymous banana lol September 24, 2022

gee uh

The person with the best definitions on this website.

"Hey did you see gee uh's definition of scat kink?"

"No but I saw gee uh's definition of peladophobia."

by rywee April 22, 2022