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They are a beautiful man/boy who will grow up to be very successful in life

He’s a winston

by M4DK1N9 February 9, 2020


A guy whos dick is 3cm long and is so skinny like a stick. He like those girls who try to show off everything. he is smart on the inside but trys to act dumb in real life

girl : is that Winston! i wanna suck his tiny dick. different boy : wanna suck mine? girl : NOO! only winstons dick i wanna suck on!

by oop_ kid April 28, 2021


My mate tried to look up his name and saw this

Why Winstons just why change your copany

by Hi my name is _______ October 19, 2020


our weird lurcher dog friend another word for wingo stingo stieno or winkle

your a good boy aren't you winston

by NOT_A_GHOST77 March 4, 2022

Girby orba winston

A phrase used by two fake country boys I seen at carowinds

Dang Girby orba Winston!!

by Bottle eater July 21, 2022

Winston’s Law

Success in life depends largely on your ability to speak, your ability to write, and the quality of your ideas, in that order.

A somewhat depressing observation that the best ideas don’t necessarily win out in the end, but depend on salesmanship, including thinking on one’s feet and a compelling in-person presentation.

Source: Prof. Patrick Winston

Winston’s Law dictates that, although you may not be in Sales, you are anyway.

by WhatwasIsaying January 25, 2025

Winston Matzke

A dog who can be seen in Elijah Matzke's Instagram and Snapchat. He is a cute Golden Retriever, who deserves the best from his owners.

Winston Matzke is the cutest dog alive!

by YTHacker August 23, 2019