for starters a wagon is a phenomenal ass, a cake wagon then equates to a phenomenal ass on a hot chick.
holy shit you see that wagon? yeah that bitch was hot, hell of a cake wagon.
Wagon day is an international holiday celebrated on September 30th, 2037. This international holiday was created by our beloved Eret.
"Hey! Who made Wagon Day?"
"Oh that was Eret!"
An asian import passenger mover usually a toyota wish or isis that can comfortably fit 6 Samoans giving it the nickname "Samoan side loader" or "Tongan Taxi" due to it's rear sliding door
This poli wagon is holding up traffic going 60 in a 100 zone cmmon man
A suspicious vehicle suitable for kidnapping and transporting victims.
Stick together kids! That old white van sure looks like a grabbin wagon.
Once your gouch gets sweaty after intense and/or prolonged exersize it becomes extremely bothersome and uncomfortable. One would say they have become tired of dragging their "sweaty gouch wagon around". Not until the gouch area is washed in a cold shower can people continue to tread all over your gouch. - Particularly prevalent with the use of compression shorts.
Tony: Ah my gouch is so sweaty i need to shower!
Tony: Indeed I did, I can't drag this gouch wagon around with me everywhere
A station wagon purchased from a woman of African decent off of Craigslist that is infused heavily with stray pieces of her old weave.
Man, Bill's new car is a total weave wagon!
"I'd smoke that skin wagon".
"Circle the skin wagons and let's have a bukkake on this cowpuncher".
"That jezebel sure does like to ride the skin wagon"