Ryder is a caring person. He will love you from day one. He’s a lovely guy. But he can be a little asshole by not answering you or not hugging you but he will say the cutest things ever.
If you’re dating Ryder your a really lucky girl.
Ryder is very Athletic boy he loves hockey and he loves when you give him support.
Ryder’s soooo cute
I know I’m dating him
Ryder is funny, cool, and smart. He will lure you in with his personality, then he will break your heart. You have to be careful with Ryders. They are two faced.
I think I’m in love.
With who?
Ryder, why?
Oh girl, be careful with that, he could break your heart if he wanted to.
WORLD BIGGEST Dick <=========3
Ryder has the worlds biggest dick
A homie that smokes wet, and ain't a busta' like Carl.
CJ: Aye Ryder, what the hell you doin'?
Ryder: Nigga, I couldn't find that wet I buried, so I'm makin' my own. It's easy foo'.
CJ: Man, don't do that, you'll saute the both of us!
an act of a person who gets no bitches and plays a lot of fortnite. usually never leaves the house and smells, occasionally he showers if he goes on edates with his kittens. Plays fortnite and trash talks.
giovanni -“Ryder you smell”
johnathan -“Ryder do you know what grass is”
Ryder -“ yeah the thing in fortnite”
a mole rat that plays soccer and is okay but not as good as the person who made this and he also identifies as a girl secretly, but can’t tell anyone. he is often #6 idk why cuz 4 is the best number but whatever🙄
“i think that’s ryder cuz his number is 6”