The largest MMO around to date, Players are widely stereotyped as being fat guys living in there parents basements with out a life or a job or a girl friend. This stereotype can be true but often is not. I started playing when the burning crusade came out, I played Warcraft III but waited because I wanted a toon that looked like me. I play a female BE (blood elf) hunter with red hair and green eyes. This is part of my addiction , a virtual me who gets to kill things and travel around the world all day. The flora and fauna are very trippy, and there are many physiological things hidden in the game. You look at the world a lot differently at 70. Some players are naturally better than others. Quest are redundant and the game is time consuming as it is meant to be. Competitiveness and boredom drove me to keep playing. I do enjoy it but I must learn moderation.
When I started playing a friend said "Id rather you of gotten hooked on coke than have bought World of WarCraft" As it turns out I did both, WOW is harder to kick for me but not quite as expensive.
6๐ 16๐
The best game in the world. Until the end of Wotlk..
Girlfriend: Hey baby wanna fuk
You: Hell naw bitch i gotta raid onyxia. She gives more head than you bitch.
Girlfriend: You always be playing world of warcraft
1๐ 1๐
POOF. Just look up 'poof' at
Capone and Ranger are wizards and their "wands" go "poof".
48๐ 230๐
shit in the form of a game;
a waste of space;
time of regret
Buy i sure wish abortions were legal, so i could abour world of warcraft
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A highley addictive game... the greatest player on World of Warcraft is rummored to be a troll rogue on the Shadowsong server (US) named Javiopi
OMG did you here about Javiopi on World of Warcraft... he once took on 30 people in Warsong Gulch with just Deadly throw
4๐ 22๐
A severe mental disorder that is virtually incurable. It's extremely contagious. If a close friend or family member has WOWD, get them help as soon as you can. It's transmitted through online interaction and/or real life social contact. Word of mouth is thought to be another means of contraction, but this has not been proven as of yet. There are many symptoms of WOWD:
-Loss of friends, money, job, etc.
-Low care for hygiene, pimples, bad teeth.
-Development of the ability to live on only milk and human excrement
-Deterioration of the brain
-and/or vomiting, headaches, and death.
There is one upside to WOWD, however: Most WOW users do not do drugs, but instead fap. The reason for this is unknown, but it is thought to occur because of the player's inability to leave the chair because of the skin's fusing to the leather.
Joe spent 3 years in his room with only 3 gallons of milk and a windows '96. Upon being found living, he was diagnosed with a very mild case of World Of Warcraft Disorder. His face was found to be full of WOWD - born pimples, but the doctors had seen much worse.
16๐ 1๐
A kid that plays the MMORPG known as "World of Warcraft", also known as "WoW". World of Warcraft Noobs will usually go around bashing other MMORPG's and saying WoW is better.
Usually, when someone says they don't want to pay $15 a month for an online game, a "World of Warcraft Noob" will usually reply with something like, "thats jus becuz u cnt aford it".
This isn't talking about ALL World of Warcraft players, only the ones who bash other MMORPG's.
-This takes place on a YouTube video about RuneScape gameplay-
RuneScape Player 1: "Wow, that quest took me forever to finish!"
RuneScape Player 2: "It wasn't that hard, it took me like an hour."
World of Warcraft Noob: "wtf runescape sux, play wow its much better, it has 3d graphics!"
RuneScape Player 1: We don't wanna pay $15 a month for an online game, please leave"
World of Warcraft Noob: wll thats cuz u cnt aford it! u poor hobo!
No, I am not a RuneScape player by the way, just used it as an example...
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