Go hug your crush on May 30th!Because it’s hug your crush day!
Girl-Hey can I get a hug?
Girl-Because it’s hug your crush day!
This is the day to ask out your crush you better do it I wanna see it happen
hey It’s national ask out your crush day wanna go out with me
This is a day where you can and SHOULD confess to your crush, whether its a person from school, or just someone you see on the street that you found attractive!!
Give flowers, or anything that the person seems to like, have fun with this teeny holiday.
Hayden: Alexis, I like you!!
Alexis: What??
Hayden: It's confess to your crush day- November 30th
Alexis: Oh! Wait, you had a crush on me???
Hayden: Uhh
October 23 is now national get your girl or crush flowers day
You have to date your crush for a week
Girl:Hey do you want to go on a date? Boy:why? Girl:because it’s Date your crush for a week day
This is the day you can kiss your crush and not have any regrets. This is on March 8th.
James: can I lips you
Mariah: erm why
James: cuz it’s Kisss your crush day
On December 16 you will give a note to your crush saying something cheesy to them.
National give your crush a note day is where you give your crush a cheesy note! Example:
*John gives Suzy a note*
Suzy: Whats this?
John: Read it
*Suzy reads it*