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Some dumba$$ smell that will ruin ur life

Bro,bro I just farted oh MA GOD

by Elsa-LET ME FARTTTTT April 19, 2017


The worlds most obnoxious, annoying sound that a little sister makes regarding she had beans for dinner the night before.


by ONEDEFenItioN.BOI September 14, 2020


Short for "fan art." It has a negative connotation, and is normally used to describe fan art pieces that have the approximate quality of the term's namesake.

Haha, have you seen all the trashy fart on Lindsey's DeviantArt account?

by guytheginger August 31, 2020


A toxic expulsion from the region of the gluteus maximus. This may result in friends escaping for their lives.

Ewwww, he just farted!

by a dog on a cheestick October 5, 2018


A fart is that you feel in your pants and sometimes turns into a diarrhoea.

"Boi u took a loud fart!"

by nolifejim November 23, 2020


(see types below for examples)

(heat fart)- The fart that is a little hot when it comes out your asshole
(Quiet bomb)- the fart that is silent but smells like hell
(loud N proud)- The one were you fart loud.
(stinky Steve)- Were you did not know that YOU farted but you did and it smells horrible
(that was not quiet fart) -The fart you make were you think it will be quiet but it turns out louder that a female in a porn video
(Homemade)- the one you do at home
(ECHOING FART)- the one you here while taking a shit

by baconcatID September 5, 2019


A gas that bursts out the crack in your lower back, smells like rotten eggs and can be real dangerous.

Person 1: hey i just heard on the news that someone died from farting too hard
Person 2: valid
Person 3: *farts aggressively*

by Ratas.noodles May 5, 2023