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link juice

"Link Juice" represents the power of a hyperlink; a recommendation and an important factor in attracting free/organic search engine visitors.

Thanks for linking back to my website in your latest blog post, we all need a little Google link juice.

by WelchsLinkJuice.com January 18, 2017

Knocking Links

Golfing with the boys.

Sorry I missed the funeral last Saturday, I was knocking links with the boys.

by LordFarquaad417 May 8, 2018

Weak Link

The one person, or 2 that alwyas is the bitch of the group and messes up all the time

that Thomas kid sure is a weak link

by DigBick1000000 January 23, 2019

18πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Chain Link

1) Pleasure position in which two adult males enjoy simultaneous penetration 2) By placing ones legs over their head, you insert top guys shaft in bottom guys anus, thus inserting bottom guys shaft into top guys anus 3) it is the 69 of buttholes

Hey Joe tonight it’s about both of us, we are dropping anchor on the chain link!

If it’s stuck in the mud, jerk the chain link

by Conrad Liguish June 4, 2019

50πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


a hypothetical primate that fills the evolutionary gap in between humans and apes

I don't think this fossil is from the missing-link.

by The Returnf of Light Joker September 13, 2011

12πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Sausage Link

The male version of a Daisy Chain. When a group of men form a complete circle with each man butt-fucking and being butt-fucked simultaneously (it also works orally).
This is a tricky sex act. If the group of participating men don't keep a good rhythm going, things can easily get out of whack, breaking the link and sometimes causing serious injury.

Having participated in their first successful sausage link, Tom and Dave would finally be treated with more respect by the seasoned veterans in their group.

by Colostomy Kid May 20, 2006

49πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Lazy Link

A hyperlink to a website typed in by an instant messenger chat member while chatting because he/she is too lazy to actually open up a browser, type in the url, and click enter.

This phrase was first coined by Acid Burnz because too many of his msn contacts asked him why he typed random url's into the chat menu. He replied with a succinct: <<It's a LL>>. But noone ever understood. So he had to give it's true definition and hope that all chatters will oneday follow suit

Evan: hey Karan, check out what's on urbandictionary

Karan: orly?
Karan: www.urbandictionary.com

Evan: WTF? Dude, i already know teh url, duh...

Karan: man, haven't you heard? it's a lazy link

Evan: uh, what's that

Karan: never mind, i'll make an entry on urbandictionary

Evan: sweet!

by Acid Burnz February 23, 2006

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