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Diamonds up against that wood

The word perfectly describes wearing diamond rings on your hand, while grabbing a "wood" grain steering wheel.
This term is mostly used in the Southern region of the USA, more specifically in Texas, and was popularized by the legendary Texas duo, UGK (Pimp C and Bun B) on their song, "Diamonds & Wood."

Mayne, you can't mess with my Slab, when I'm ridin' around, with my Diamonds up against that wood.

by Texas Takeover YT August 5, 2022

The Global War Against Teachers

The movement created by the conservative group Student for Academic Freedom that seeks censore teachers who don't agree with their political, moral, and religious, points of view.
Please Note: Students for Academic Freedom does not call or associated there political movement with this name.

As of 2006 the Students for Academic Freedom began The Global War Against Teachers as well and Academic/Intellectual freedom.

by ????^_^???? November 15, 2006

135πŸ‘ 122πŸ‘Ž

plotting against the black and white

This is a response when someone asks what you're doing and you don't want to tell, so you pretty much say you're sitting there pondering how to destroy everyone.

Rachel: Hey, what are you doing?
Tina: Just sitting here plotting against the black and white.

by Tina Collins November 11, 2005

11πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Piss against the White House

An anarchists dream.

oh it feels so bad yet so right!!

by Biafra J July 29, 2004

23πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž

It's against my religion

Da ultimate total-bu**s**t excuse for not doing something dat any reasonable/responsible person should do, merely for da purpose of selfishly shirking a basic duty to your fellow humans because you're too lazy/cowardly/self-centered to do so.

"It's against my religion" is the total "anti-Christ" (i.e., the exact opposite religion-based statement) in every way to the equally-disgraceful, "It's God's will" coercing-statement --- while this latter phrase attempts to insensitively pressure someone else to perform/allow an action that he strongly dislikes/disapproves of, the former statement is said in an equally-thoughtless attempt to "acceptably" get out of performing an action which the speaker himself does **not** want to do.

by QuacksO May 21, 2019

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

global struggle against extremism

George W. Bush's new phrase for "the war on terror"

george bush, you are an idiot.

by WTFROFLMFAOBBQ July 29, 2005

11πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

First Against The Wall Club

The First Against The Wall Club (FAWC) refers to groups of people that are historically the first to be forced up against a wall and shot by firing squads when the collectivists/totalitarians take over.

The unsolicited membership is typically reserved for Jews, Gays, Gypsies, kulaks, Classical Liberals, otherwise Individualistic Intellectuals and the more vague group of Counter Revolutionaries. Membership does however depend on the style of revolution taking place.

Features of this membership are to be mentally prepared to flee a country or region at any given time, to be acutely aware of how fragile any given society is and to understand that when shit goes down, you’re apart of a group that’s been the first to the camps time and time again throughout history. Like rats from a sinking ship, members of this club know when to fight and when to gtfo.

β€œWhat’s with the rifle, aren’t gays anti-gun?”

β€œI’m a Gay Jew man, I’m in the first against the wall club two times over. Of course I’m gonna have guns and ammo”

by Well_Armed_Rat July 31, 2021

7πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž