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a scene kid is someone who is the ceneter of the attention. not in a jumping singing out loud way. but the kind that comes w/ compulsive complements and everyone wants to either be them ,know them or date them
every scene boy/girl has a scene gf/bf. its fact proven. it seems now the scene is heading to get as unique as it can get. so they have been shifting to trying to get mixed scene bf/gf's||Example:hotest mixes white/japanese/philipino|latin/black/white||french/mexica/hawian||latin/black/thia or things similar SCENE BOYS usually date thier one and only close friend .the one who gets them. the one who doesnt laugh at them when they put on their makeup. the one who understands what thier saying. and accepts thier oppinions. and doesnt start any drama.SCENE GIRLS usually also date their close friend. the one who accpets them as them. and can borrow thier jacket any time.:SCENE GIRLS attitude is set wierd. theier happy all the time even when they look sad or mad. the happy hardcore music keeps them up. they say slang words no knows the meanings of. and they have this cool kid whatever attitude replying things like, "yeah sure dood", "ferr sure","too cool" e.t. cetra SCENE BOYS always have this dgaf attitude to everyone except the thier very best female friend. all scene kids best friend is of the opposite sex.*notice all scene kids photo's are with a member of the opposite sex.

Need Help Figuring Out Your scene Best Friend/Gf/Bf?
the person thats usually seen w/ you most often.
if the girl or boy matches any or all of these get off your shy ass and ask them be your effin gf/bf! right now. bc you already know they like you, hurry before its too late

by pseudonym kids January 29, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


a bunch of pricks who think theyr better than you, most of them anyway.... They all like dinosaurs, they all like robots (they so stole that from me), they all like sex and they all call themselves something to do with XCORE at the end of it i.e. I'm so sexxcore and my robotxcore will eatxcore you!!!

There are a few scene kids that can get along with the other 3/4 of the populace, but not many, and you shouldn't call them scene because they are actually cool/like good music/don't ruin things but ppl call them scene anyway for reasons I don't understand...

Scene fasion... heh just look at the bunch of retards that keep posting their pics on this site, sigh theyl never learn that theyr NOT original and they all look the same.

me: hey brad haven't talked to you in awhile, how have you been?!

XxBradtehscenestuhxX: hey babezxcore Iz been teh crunk. Omggz you'll never believe how much I like dinosaurz nowz!!! omgggg && robots are sexxxxxy

me: ..ok

by I feel hot resin August 20, 2005

20๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


scene kid = fucking faggot seaking attention.

'i'm scene and like to 'hardcore' dance at shows because i'm a fuckin idiot, fight the air!!!'.

by alsjga;lghsfa;lgfda October 15, 2005

23๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


scene kids are a bunch of really cool kids.
my friends all say i'm scene.
and i know we're easy to make fun of.
so go ahead.
we're not depressed.
we don't cut ourselves.
we don't drink or smoke or do anything bad.
you can find us on myspace.
we're easy to stereotype.
dinosaurs ;; ambulances ;; robots ;; OHMYYY!!!
scene guys wear girl pants, sweaters, blazers, and tight shirts.
scene girls wear little girl clothes like bows and old tshirts.
GIRLS&GUYS both wear chucks and have the same haircuts.
omgosh swoopy bangs.
sometimes we go to shows and slamdance.
unfortunately, people are beginning to know what scene means.
and it's going to be ruined like emo.
the end.
OH. and we punctuate a lot.
in case you hadn't noticed.
p.s. we also pretend we're gangsters sometimes.
and talk all gangster-like, FOOS.

scene kids; haha. we're so scene. look at our bangs. they all look the same.
prep; look. it's scene kids. i'm wearing a fall out boy shirt. oh my goodness gracious. i'm so scene.
scene kids; what what. fall out boy is n00b.
prep; they have the same haircuts as you. wtf.
scene kids; whatevsss. we're peacing.

by triSARAtops April 23, 2006

18๐Ÿ‘ 22๐Ÿ‘Ž


scene kids are really cute. be nice to them and they'll be nice back to you. they arent all stupid. watch out for the sceney boppers though. they are the fake ones. scene kids like going to shows because they want to meet up with their friends there and hardcore dance and shit.

Brutal as fuuuuck, you're so scene today.

by some scene kid February 22, 2006

20๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


Well to me scene is just another way that the teenagers/young adults are conforming to what's "HAWT" because they don't know themselves, and have no idea what they like. They are completely attatched to material posessions such as; Cameras, cell phones, cigarettes, etc. They have no lives outside of myspace and their hXc local shows. They like to shop at hot topic or sometimes even THE GOODWILL. They are just conforming. Let them conform and die nameless like the rest of the unspoken for scenesters.

I don't have an example, my definition says it all

by ..Jessica. May 22, 2005

20๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž


They are the idiotic people in the world who want to make a fashion statement by trying to bring back the retro 80's look.
The "boys" (unless they chopped their dicks off) dress int he following or will look like the following:
1.Tight pants
2.Occassional eyeliner,despite it may look bad on them
3.Hair covering half their face
4.Weigh less then their girlfriends
5.Wear youth small t-shirts
6.Have an obsession with dinosaurs,fake labret pierceings,and crappy bands that use synthasizers to make it sound like the shitty pop-rock music that came out in the 80's
7.Wear the classic slip-on Vans with the blacka nd white checkers for the sole reason it has checkers.
8.Their myspaces would have things a white backround saying "Rawr ima dinosaur" and have colors like bright pinka and lime green.

How the girls dress:
Pretty much the same as the guys,except the guys cloths might be smaller.

Don't let them fool you,they made emo into a fashion.You can tell the real emo kids who don't.Real emo kids do not fit the sterotypes most this website has made.They do not cut,they do not cry,majority that doa re the dumbass scene kids who feel they must make everything into a God damn fashion.

Scene is half the myspace audience

by usedlos3r September 17, 2005

23๐Ÿ‘ 29๐Ÿ‘Ž