Left wing conspiracy theories such as the “Russia gate” scam concocted by the democrat party and the intelligence community to overthrown the election of President Donald Trump, and promulgated by virtually all the media establishment; or the invention by the same entities claiming a right wing insurrection was going to attack all fifty state Capitol buildings simultaneously.
The veracity of this cultural phenomenon was established by the Urban Dictionary and Google shadow banning the term in unison.
The blue anon criminal conspiracy was the cause of two unsuccessful attempts to impeach President Trump.
Blue Anon likely the source of Q Anon.
The left-wing equivalent to Q-Anon.
Their belief system is tightly coupled to what is currently trending on Twitter, typically promoted by verified accounts (hence the name). While Q-Anon is a niche community of insignificant individuals whose ideas are quickly denounce by everyone on all sides of the isle; Blue Anon's ideas always end up in the mainstream and are quickly amplified in coordination with Celebrities, Big Tech, and Multi-Million/Billion dollar media corporations who profit off of controversy.
Their hierarchy is based around a members level of victimhood and also by their ability to virtue signal.
Girl: "As a cis-white woman, I do not feel comfortable with the idea of having 100% white children"
Blue Anon Members: *Standing Ovation* *Donates to her Go Fund Me*
Every sane human: "What?!!"
A new religion that has replaced God, science and reason with elitist far left jibber jabber.
Blue Anon congregations tend to believe such thing as: the bureaucrat Fauci is science incarnate, cloth masks are 'life saving apparatuses', woman have the right to their bodies except when it comes to vaccines, you are racist unless you call everyone else racists.
The Blue Anon woman had so many masks on, she passed out on the train.
A stereotypical left-wing conspiracy theory
Google and Urban Dictionary censor 'blue anon' following widespread mockery of left-wing conspiracy theories.
Blue Anon is a term used by those on the progressive left and those on the right in order to draw a parallel between right wing conspiracy theorist QAnon and liberals who too loosely interject Russian interference in anything they find objectionable. The term is closely related, if simply not another term for "BlueMAGA" which is also used to draw attention to how some moderate liberals exhibit similar objectionable behavior and cult like devotion found in right leaning MAGA circles.
Did you see David tweeting out how the attacks on the Capital had something to do with Putin despite there being little to no evidence?
Yeah dudes crossed over into Blue Anon territory.
A loosely organized group media members and left wing influencers who spread left-wing such as the Russian collusion hoax, Ukrainian quid pro quo theory and Brett Kavanaugh sexual assault allegations. Blue Anon strongly believe that right-wing extremists will storm Capital Hill any day now and “remove” lawmakers from office, hence the need for the deployment of thousands of National Guard stationed at the U.S. Capital
I hear there’s going to be storming of the Capital next week by the boogaloo gang dressed as Antifa. Better get ready for the end of Democracy.
“ Chill bro. You sound like Blue Anon”