The sweetest guy you will EVER meet. will always be there for you no matter what stupid thing you do <3 <3 don't mess your friendship up or you're fucked
I'm so happy I have an Axel
Axel is the greatest person you could ever date. He cares about you and loves you. You’d do anything for him and you know he would do the same. You love how we reminds you that you’re his world and his everything. He makes you feel things that nobody has ever made you feel. He’s the reason you keep going. He makes you feel like your on top of the world. He just gives you the strong feeling of being loved. You didn’t think you were capable of loving someone this hard but here you are
I am in love with Axel
Axel is my world and my everything
Axel is all I want
Axel is the type of person that seems cool when you first meet him and is a total piece of crap but sometimes he redeems himself by eating your booty cheeks.
i meet this total Axel last week.
very ugly person if you see him your eye balls will blow up has blonde hair he is a dickhead he likes to suck penis he lives in a cardbord box so he also is know as a homeless peace of shit
person 1: hey look it that dickhead that raped my gf
person 2: that blonde asshole
person 1: yh axel
A very cringe bandkid who never pull any bitches
Bro he is such an Axel.
A very weird and awkward being, also reffered to as Lappen or Dickster Lappen (german: tablecloth, fattest tablecloth).
He has a habit of farting like a cow and always needs to take a shit really badly.
Axel can be easily spotted by looking at the way he walks, some say "He walks like a faggot!".
His food of choice is Kebab.
Ew Axel, did you just fart again?
axel is the type of guy who is a demiboy just because his best friend Arlo is transgender and ligit fakes Disorder like Anxiety and overthinking with out getting a diagnoses.
Me" hey axel i cant go to school today"
Axel:" is it because you dont like me, am i not good enough for you?!?"
Axel:" pathetic peace of sh*t"