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blackout day

Blackout dates are dates when travel (airline) rewards and other special discounts/promotions are not available.
These dates typically fall on or around major holidays or other peak travel seasons.

Awards are given by airlines to attract potential fliers away from other carriers and keep them loyal by promising lower fare on future flights. Awards are tailored to create higher incentive to travel on days other than the Blackout dates. On Blackout dates, more travelers fly by necessity. Hence, a carrier can charge a higher price and yet fill its capacity as the competition is also being fully booked on the Blackout dates. A carrier can maximize profits by providing incentives to loyal but flexible travelers to plan and move their travel dates to lower traffic days, there by allowing other fliers at premium priced tickets on the Blackout dates. The other days are often graded so that the awards afford more on less preferred days.

Blackout day,
Your favorite airline is having a sale. You hurry to snag some tickets only to discover every date you want to fly is excluded from the promotion.

Alas, this is business as usual. Airlines know the dates or days of the week you'll happily fly with no extra incentive. And if passengers will pay more, airlines will charge more.

Some airlines don't even bother with the phrase "blackout dates," possibly because it smacks of overkill when five days out of a week are blacked out (many sales are good for Tuesday and Wednesday flights only). Be flexible enough to fly on the sale days, or at least one of those days and you'll reap some savings.
Other airlines keep you guessing. The fine print on Frontier's recent Black Friday sale stated, "Seats are limited at these fares and certain flights and/or days of travel may be unavailable especially during busy travel periods." Translation: Expect lots of blackout dates, plus blacked-out flight times, meaning it will be harder to get a seat during the most popular times to fly. When you see such disclaimers, it's imperative that you shop an airfare comparison site. You may find better deals elsewhere, particularly on the blackout dates.

by john decruze November 18, 2013

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sexual blackout

getting it done, but not knowing you got it done

A Sexual Blackout can be seen as that fuzzy blur in the back of your head of you and your lady friend the night before. Not being aware of things that were said or done in a sexual way between two or more parties.

by Willy Bones July 11, 2008

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Blackout Biddies

Crawling arouND the floor at partys with bleeding mascara moaning into the night wanting to go shopping and eat fajitas and shit open up a closet and at least 30 of em come falling out and shit "yo i gotta get me some blackout biddies tonight" throw em over your shoulder throw em down in the celler forget about it

Q: Have you ever seen a naked starfish?
A: Yeah they are always naked.
Q: Yes because they are sluts(BLACKOUT BIDDIES).

by BlackBOBmatt September 16, 2008

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information blackout

a condition marked by a complete lack of information about anything happening around somewhere.

He has been down with fever for days, so he is suffering a kind of information blackout. He does not know what is happening around him right now.

by uttam maharjan February 2, 2010

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Black Fly Blackout

Black flies are a Canadian made Cooler. East coast girls love them and refer to the drunk the get from them as "black fly black out ". Its very rare to hear of a girl who drank four of them to not be black out by the end of the night. Girls Love these coolers because they taste good but are not sugary, there for the do not cause bad hangovers.

" what are you drinking tonight? "-girl 1

" black flies"- girl 2

" Black fly Blackout!!"- girls

by Scotiangirl October 13, 2013

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blackout hoot

Its where you take a hit of weed and hold in then slam a beer and then take a hit off of an asma inhailer

Ah man jimmy just did a blackout hoot

Whats that

Its where you smoke weed hold it then slam a beer and take a hit off of an inhailer and then you blackout!

by Scott rees May 19, 2014

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Johnny Blackout

Most typically used as a noun to refer to oneself or others when totally drunk and can't remember a thing.
It can also be used as an adjective to describe onself or others when totally drunk.

"Man, I was totally Johnny Blackout last night. I don't remember a thing. What happened?!"


"Damn, I was Johnny'd last night, fuck!"

by JohnnyBlackout October 9, 2008

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