Source Code

coke whore

A woman who bangs guys so she can snort cocaine. A true slut in every sense of the word.

Drew Barrymore is a coke whore.

by Jan The Man July 2, 2003

451๐Ÿ‘ 153๐Ÿ‘Ž

Road Coke

A beer or canned adult beverage resembling the can of a soda to be consumed while traveling to your next destination. (while driving is never recomended)

Janice had a horrible day at work so she grabbed a Road Coke for her ride home.

by Petite Boots February 28, 2006

22๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Coke Zero

diet coke in a different bottle for men who think "diet" coke is for girls

A: "Is that diet coke you're drinking? You ponce..."
B: "Now way, this is coke zero, coke for REAL men."

by mike spooner May 15, 2007

128๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž

coke mouth

the strange aftertaste in your mouth after having snorted a few lines of coke. Taste is a little bitter(not too bad) and leaves your mouth a little numb.

hey man; pass me a piece or gum or some beer, I've got some serious coke mouth

by chingon666 March 8, 2009

19๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

Coke Music

An online game created by the Coca Cola industry. The concept is simple: you create songs in your cheap shack using about 3 dozen sound loops, find some room that actually lets you in, stand in line for over half an hour, play the song, and get all thumbs down for not putting the 3 rock guitar sounds anywhere in your unique song. The game is populated with hackers, Internet skanks, racists, grown men who pretend to be "teh hot chikz", and little kids that think they're cool by dressing in all black, calling themselves "SatansGothKid666," and having cyber in the extra rooms. The game also has a few mini games, for example giving your own subtitile to a picture, but the language filters on that is insane. You cannot say the word "Japanese" because it has "Jap" in it. You cannot say any word that has the three letters "A-s-s" (for obvious reasons), you can't even type the words in 1337, and even if there are two words that happen to spell out a curse word ("puSH IT out of the way," for example) you can't say it. Also, all the "girls" in just about every room are extremely "horny" and want your "hot body", even though there are only 2 face designs and a handful of body designs (i.e. everyone looks about the same). The game was made popular by Deluxe247 (or whatever his name is), a character on too many movie previews; a very white kid who's acting extremely black. The game is a major waste of time

Oh Lord, why, Oh why did I waste my entire winter vacation on that evil spawn of an evil corporation known as Coca-Cola! Well, at least there isn't a McDonald's Music....

by Ben L. June 7, 2004

247๐Ÿ‘ 83๐Ÿ‘Ž

Coke Call

A call made because of the increased socialability and excitement brought on through the use of cocaine or other uppers. Similar to a drunk dial in nature, but more volatile due to the stimulating and mood altering effect of the drug.

The coke call turned ugly when Cokie began to list the shades of red he knew.

A:"You called me at four in the morning. You had better be bleeding."
Cokie McGee:"Evernoticehowmanyshadesofredthereare? I know 26! Red, rose, ruby, rust..."
A:"You're speeding. I'm sleeping. Don't coke call me if you aren't sharing, Sketch!
Cokie McGee:"*crying* I'LL STEAL YOUR BABY!"

by Schwagy February 12, 2009

10๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

Kiddie Coke

street name for Ritalin.

crush it up and snort it. A cheap alternative to cocaine.

man did i ever get fucked up on the kiddie coke last night.

by Crazy Dea October 10, 2008

28๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž