Legs/things of an overweight woman in leggings or tight pants that are so tight you can see cellulose marks.
Sam: "Ever see cottage cheese in a bag?"
*Woman walks past in far too tight leggings*
Garret: *gags* Fuck you, dude.
Verb form:
A Honeysuckle Cottage is an elaborate form of oral sex carried out by 2 individuals (one must be male), typically where 375 grams of pasteurized Canadian 'Bee Maid' honey is applied/drizzled around the male genitalia to act as a cleansing lubricant. Once completed, any type of curdled dairy product or 'cottage cheese' will suffice for phase 2 of a Honeysuckle Cottage. The cottage cheese is then stuffed in and around the urethra/ foreskin of the penis. The second person (either man or woman) proceeds to orally 'go to town' on said penis area. Guaranteeing a smooth glide over the penile shaft by utilizing the physical attributes of honey and cottage cheese, creating ideal texture and a sense of euphoric pleasure for the receiving individual. If the man receiving the Honeysuckle Cottage is lucky enough, chunks of cottage cheese will be sucked away from the foreskin during the slurping process, stimulating sensitive areas. Not only does a honeysuckle Cottage provide sexual satisfaction for both partners, but also a nutrient rich and satisfactory meal for the one giving said actions.
Noun Form:
Honeysuckle Cottage is also an establishment located in the south of the United Kingdom in the county 'Surrey' where the type of oral sex was invented. To this day, Honeysuckle cottage still provides new visitors with the sexual experience and rich culture of the local suburban area.
Verb Form:
Steven - "Shit man, I'm hungry and horny, what do you think this calls for?"
Garry - "Same bro, I already know your ready for this mean Honeysuckle Cottage."
Steven - "Grab the honey gng."
Noun form:
Timothy - "this sex thing is getting tiring, I wanna spice things up"
Abby -"Have you heard about Honeysuckle Cottage?"
Timothy - "No.."
Abby - "Trust me, its a magical place with mythical rarity blow jobs, we should go"
Slang for a Yeast Infection
(From the Hormone Monstress in Big Mouth)
Person 1: “My friend Janice wore her lululemon leggings so much that she got Pussy Cottage Cheese all over her apartment floor”
Person 2: “Are you sure that she would be happy with you saying that information to me?”
Person 1: “Well she’s a bitch and I hate her so its whatever”
the act of having anonymous sexual encounters with other men in public toilets.
Zack goes cottaging on thursdayd
When you and your fellow country man have fun in a public lavatory
Jordan went to a public lavatory and some farmers said pull your pants down and they started cottaging and Jordan loved it
To get fucked (anally)
Where did Steve go? Oh, he took a shortcut through Riddlesdown Common. I'm pretty sure he got cottaged.
Walk there sober.
Walk home shoulder to shoulder
We Cottaged last night.