Source Code


1. A "copycat" temper-tantrum that someone else throws in order to show an overly-explosive person "how horrible/ridiculous it looks".
2. A rage that someone flies into upon being "busted" for trying to pass fake money.

I wonder if that infamous thirteen-dollar-bill-proffering dude had a counter-fit when the backwoods-hillbilly shop-owner offered him "a six and a seven, or how about three three's and a four" as change for his "funny money"?

by QuacksO February 16, 2019

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Counter Haterism

The opposite of being a hater, it's bringing hate to the haters. If someone is hatin' on you or your swag because they're fake or jealous. Just send them some counter haterisms their way you know you're real don't let anyone tell you different.

Bitch 1: Why you wearin' that jersey?
Bitch 2: Yeah you always be wearin' a jersey all the time don't you wear regular clothes or something and take those Foams off you can't rock those!
Me: Bitch please at least I can afford the shit I wear on a credit card and still have money left over to take my girl out while you're payin' for shit with a credit card and can't even afford to pay it back. I don't want to hear it.

That's Counter Haterism.

by DRose1 January 11, 2012

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Counter Status

When someone makes a facebook status in response to another persons facebook status, usually in an aggressive manner. Often no ones name is used in the status, but because of a mutually know situation they do not have to use names.

Person A Status: "So-and-so is a cheap a-hole who doesn't think of anyone but himself, that necklace was practically a cracker jack prize!"

Person B Counter Status: "You've shown your true colors. It wasn't cheap when I bought it for you bitch."

by Iaintgotnoshame May 12, 2010

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counter terrorist

Anyone who hates themselves for working behind a counter and instead of getting a better job, projects that hate onto customers and then makes their shitty attitude and behavior seem like the customer's fault.

A counter terrorist may do any of the following:

Make you wait while they chat with other angry colleagues.

Roll their eyes whenever you ask a perfectly reasonable question.

Get mad about having to help you even though your cash pays their salary.

Act like they are smarter and superior to you while earning minimum wage.

Move as slow as molasses even though they clearly want to get rid of you.

Sue: Why don't you shop at insert name of any big chain store anymore?

Bob: The place is full of counter terrorists. I got sick of being treated like shit when all I wanted to do was spend some money. It's not my fault those people hate their jobs.

Sue: Well, it is difficult working with the public.

Bob: Then they should do something else and stop counter terrorizing innocent people.

by Maaron May 19, 2013

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"The ultimately high level of pwnage that can only be used once someone has pwned you and you turn around the pwn onto them"

Counter Strike Fagmo: Hahaha n00b I shot j00 in da Head PWNED!!!!

Counter Strike Fagmo 2:Hahaha stupid I left a grenade behind, COUNTER-PWNED!!!

by Master Astennu October 1, 2004

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โ€“noun, the unlawful compelling of a man through physical force or duress to have sexual intercourse upon being in response to a failed attempt on yourself.

Guy 1: I lost my building key so I slept on a bench on Figueroa last night.
Guy 2: Did you get raped?
Guy 1: Of course, but i counter-raped and now I'm going to take a shower.

by whitendirty November 22, 2008

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An online first person shooter, that uses the Half-Life engine, therefore it is a mod for Half-Life. It is commonly mistaken for "teh 1337357 game evor!!!11" Which it's not of course. There are de_, which stand for detonation, or defusal maps and cs_, which are hostage maps. There are two teams. Counter-Terrorists which consist of the SAS, GIGN, GSG9 and SEALS and Terrorists which consist of Arctic Avengers, Guerilla Warface, 1337 Kr3w(Arab) and Phoenix Connextion. This game was first made for those who like to use strategy and teamwork, now like all other Half-Life mods, it's where 10 year olds can say "fag, fucker, dick" without getting yelled at by adults, and where potheads try acting "1337" Also, helped create the most annoying word of all time: "teh"

Lets go play a game of Counter-Strike

I pwN3d teh nubx0rz omg!!!! Fag ur teh sux0rz!!11!1!1111eleven!!!

by werwertwgg432 February 20, 2005

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