What would I not dare to do? To whom SPECIFICALLY are you talking? It isn't ME! Because there is NOTHING I wouldn't do to punish you for taking what's mine. WHAT WOULD I DARE NOT DO TO A FUCKING CHARITY CASE? 80,000 a month for inferiority to me.
Hym "I wouldn't dare? What would I not dare? Create a situation where so-and-sos would be radically disincentivized from DOING SOMETHING OTHER THAN WHAT THEY WERE GOING TO DO? Like I did? Would YOU dare to do that? Is that something YOU would dare to do? That thing I said? Because that sounded like a threat. I'm not negotiating with you (or anyone for that matter). I'm not even COMMANDING ANYONE. I'm telling you the future. I'm like a seer. I'm holding a million threads and no matter which one I cut, the outcome is the same."
Directions. Over there. That way
A nigga where dat fine ass bitch go? (Ova dare)
When a guys penis has an upwards curve to it and he precedes to lay at a 45 degree angle. He then takes a hot wheels car and lays it on his chest and proceeds to let it roll and jump off his penis.
You should totally Dare-Devil the mystery machine.
I’m warning you... If you do that, you’ll pay for it
“Don’t you dare eat the sandwich I left in the fridge!”
When you say Dan tan dare to your lady you're telling her she's dead sexy "you look Dan tan dare tonight darling"
"you look Dan tan dare tonight darling"
A hot sexy guapo that eats chicken mcnuggets at 3 am
Daring Danny X is my favorite character from Paw Patrol.