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Death is a one time usable “get out of work or school or jail” card, it has an expiration date that will instantly use itself at a certain age, if you get hit by a bus or get stabbed or any of that bullshit then the card might accidentally play itself. Also emo people use it a whole lot.

Friend 1: hey do you wanna go skating later?

Friend 2: yeah sure what time

Friend 1: 01:30

Friend 2: ok I’ll be there!

Some random emo guy: ima use the death card tonight

by H4PPY February 3, 2023


The sweet relief to life


by Shek Snek November 17, 2019


The only exciting thing I have to look forward to....

*sigh* Death...

by That's nice. December 15, 2019


The thing that we will all suffer, and eventually feel the suffering as our body shuts down.

I feel that death is awaiting for us.

by EmotionlessEntity March 11, 2019


The other shore of happiness and fulfilling, the land in which we shall rejoice the end, and the end of all thought and reality

I have found, mon ami, a companion named death

by Chuunibyo July 10, 2020


Death is when u die...
aka when u stop breating, and your heart stops.

i want death to happen to me

by Heart.Brocken.Check June 7, 2021


Without death, taxes/bills/paychecks, other people's lives/business/celebrities, or sports/music, there are people who wouldn't have anything to say or talk about (or not much besides money if they did). They'd mostly be full of comebacks and either say the same insult back you just said to them, or sometimes out of desperation, they'd call somebody a name before anybody else would have enough time to.

The girl wouldn't have much to say without death, taxes, celebrities, sports, or music (a little bit of science or spirituality every now and then she might talk about).

by Solid Mantis August 19, 2019