When you have sex with your Google device. It can vary between a chromecast, chrome book, pixel, nest home or WiFi. Sometimes if you spunk in the USB port you can sometimes fuck up the connection if you know what I mean.
Hey Google define daddy.
Google: just stick it in there.
Every Word Defined On Urban Dictionary Is for A Lead Of A Verse
Defination means when a girl has trouble spelling definition this word is used to remind her on a regular basis of how limited and miniscule her knowledge level is
"The defination of that particular word is so accurate "
The part of the building that a historic preservation major would fight another person to save. Do not doubt them, their addiction to box cornice dentil work and clapboard is strong enough to make your meth-head neighbor cower in fear.
"My god. Would you look at that STUNNINGLY. FABULOUS. Decorative dentil work along THAt cornice line!!! Now THAT is a character defining feature." :')
retars that cant unedrstand what bot-cmds is for
"people that use yui define in general chat are retarded"
A person who looks up every dirty name and defines it if there is no definition, or it’s a horrible name definition in his/her opinion
Dude how much of a dirty definer can you get?
I’m a dirty definer on my free time because I know what kink each girl name has
She has Nothing better to do then be a dirty definer in urban dictionary