When you hump the ground with your tongue lolling out because you need some good dick.
"the absolute desperation"
Desperation is not the same as being in control of yourself.
The girl wanted to start taking control of other peoples lives despite never really having had control of herself. Most of her life was an attempt to get people to start paying attention to her and stop rejecting her and going about their lives, which was true desperation.
Someone who's still sending shit in the mail years after the person they're sending it to hasn't accepted one thing they've gotten. That's not optimism, its not blind optimism, its desperation to fuck with somebody's life.
The girl needed to take her desperation somewhere else with her.
What really motivates somebody that is uber competitive about everything.
Desperation to win at something is not a battle for supremecy. There is no supremecy to win, it's a matter of what you lose in life.
when you ask people to buy your tet dandi for mystic
Anyone that can buy my tet dande for mystic, i put it up for min price (DESPERATION) xD
When someone is so in need of sexual pleasure, that you would lower every standard you have and sleep with anyone.
Dave is so hard up for pussy he is Doris Desperate...