A chaotic cesspool of degeneracy full of wooks, junkies, the homeless, schizos, lolcows, and autists: united only in their fiending for an F tier drug found in over-the-counter cough syrup. A microcosmic glimpse into the lives of society's outcasts - those who slipped through the cracks and are left to rot in the sewage found below. Great community, 10/10 would recommend to a friend.
Hey dude my guy, did you leave the dextroverse discord ™?
Yeah homie... the shenanigans and absolute tomfoolery were too much for my fragile normie mind to handle :(
A very welcoming place with very wholesome peeps that will not flirt with you on the spot I repeat NOT FLIRT mhm mkay anyways 10/10 good community, but anyways stan TWICE for good grades not that it will actually happen but you’ll be happier while forgetting you’re failing math class yes okay bye bye - this was not written by luchfkxididhdjdjsjsjdhfhdhjdjd
No example I’m too tired to sleep goodnight “Fundrey discord”
Someone who cannot just be a discord kitten or a discord mod
Bro are they a discord kitten or a discord mod??
They’re a discord switch obviously
Harold is a pedo. Jiggles is racist
“Have you met that guy Harold in the Musty discord? he is a pedo!”
“I’m going to slur like jiggles in the Musty discord!”
Harold: a pedo
Jiggles: a racist
Guy 1: hey I just got Discord Nitro
Guy 2: that was a waste of money
20👍 5👎
That guys a discord user I bet he’s a pedophile
30👍 8👎