A game where you spread human feces on one side of a dollar bill and place it on the side-walk, poo side down and wait for someone to walk by and pick it up. When someone picks it up you must scream 'poo dollar' at them as loud as you can and then point and laugh. See also poo dollar,poodollar,poop dollar
That chick must be really hard up for cash, she kept the poo dollar.
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The Don Dollar is the name for tipping with a 2 dollar bill instead of a 1 at a strip club.
Yo, that honey was making my dick so hard I Don Dollar'd her.
Noun. Also "Dollar Store Dud".
A term used to describe a cheap item bought from a cheap store, online or offline, that is defective or doesn't work. Usually refers to items that contain multiple pieces, such as batteries or balloons, and are halfway expected to contain at least one abnormal unit.
Dave: "What the fuck? I bought like 3 packages of AA batteries at the dollar store and 4 of them didn't even work. Bullshit man."
Tyler: "Well, you should have expected some dollar duds in there considering how cheap they were."
A Mercy Dollar is a single Dollar that you give to an Ugly Stripperat a Strip Club so that she goes away.
Dude, just give her a Mercy Dollar or she's just going to keep standing there and we'll never see the hot strippers
A game played by smearing feces onto one side of a dollar bill then placing it poopy side down in a heavily trafficked area. You hilariously watch as people get poopy all on they hands. The game is won when someone keeps the dollar.
That game of poopy dollar was amazing, I can't believe that old lady put it in her purse.
Hobo dollars are the definition of EBT card usage and also food stamps or snap cards. Instead of real cash they go for 50% of their value on the street. They are also known as food stamps.
Yo bitch you won't even spend $3 on a monster with your hobo dollars.
Can I borrow your hobo dollars to get a gas station hamburger and microwave it there to get the system over?
Stop spending your hobo dollars on losers who can't even fill out a food stamps application.
You filled out the application and got the landlord form, you earned them hobo dollars straight up.
He's so lazy he can't even go to social services and get hobo dollars
a currency used in any outrageous bet, only available as 5 wanka dollars.
I'll bet you five wanka dollars to go bang on their door and tackle them when they answer.