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A Dud is what you call someone if you find them extremely attractive, this can be used in both straight and homosexual terms so if you're best friend who is a guy forgets a spelling (or pronounces it wrong) then they are a raging homosexual

Male 1: you are a cool dude
Male 2: hahahaha you're a raging homosexual towards me
Male 1: I know I am
Snoop dogg: I don't know what I'm doing here dawg

by Soulsborne_jerker249 February 17, 2024


Some one that might be brain dead.

Bianca you're such a Dud

by sfbasjkdbfhadsjkfhdasjkf April 18, 2018


A Dud is a very unattractive stud or butch lesbian.

"Look at that Dud over there"

by altarien March 10, 2023


A person who has the potential to be of much like-ability and depth but falls short of said things, causing disappointment and a stop to any further buildings of that friendship going forward.

I really thought she was cool when I met her at the bar last night, but when I hung out with her today she kinda turned out to be a dud.

by YeahForReal September 23, 2021


dud means you on that good stuff

mallaboo: bgs fine asf

bgs: u onnat dud

by Dronani October 26, 2020


means your on that good stuff

mallaboo: juels kinda cute

bgs: u onnat duddd

by Dronani October 26, 2020


George is the ultimate dud

George is a dud

by Gd50995 February 9, 2019