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โ€ข Eva (noun)
โ€ข1 An Eva can be found in mostly only three ways. First Way: Very lonely, Funny, Loving, Caring, Kind, Self-controlled and basically the class clown. The Second Way: A friend who is not always the best-of friends but are nice and normally romantically attached to somebody in a friend group, they normally hang out with males bringing a female into conversation (sometimes). The Third Way: They very bitchy and mean type of person who is normally obsessed with a alpha male and will humiliate other females to get to the alpha male they are romantically attracted to.
โ€ข2 An Eva can normally be found in school grounds or in a bedroom/office on a computer.
(I have no other info sorry lol)

Person 1: Hey whats the new girl like?
Person 2: Oh I would say she is an "Eva"

by CanBeChucky October 20, 2021

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Megamind who no one likes

You hear that Eva the fat bitch that no one likes is here?

by DababySays August 17, 2022


The most amazing girl you'll ever meet in your whole life. She has magical brown eyes and a smile that will litteraly heal you. She's kind, friendly, loving, funny, litteraly everything you'd want in a person. The person who is together with her is the luckiest guy in the entire world as well.

Aw man, she's such an Eva

by Robert Julio May 1, 2020

2๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


Dayne's girlfriend.

An extremely adorable little princess who's is so so pretty

Has an absolutely amazing voice.

Is just plain up amazing.

You: who is Evaยฟ

Dayne: my amazing girlfriend!

by 20031101 April 25, 2019

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Eva is a big fat piece of human lard. Evaโ€™s consume over 10,000 calories a day and have to way over 10 tons to be considered and Eva. You know someone is an Eva when they call other people fat. They think they are not fat but they look and weigh the size of a semi truck.

Look at that Eva they just consumed 3 family thanksgivings in 10 minutes

by Gabe Owner The First May 6, 2022

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Someone with psychopathic tendencies.

โ€˜that girl starts sentences without capital lettersโ€™

โ€˜Yuck, thatโ€™s an Evaโ€™

by _Hxdsnn_ July 26, 2020

3๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž


A brat

Look thereโ€™s Eva
Oh sheโ€™s a brat

by Een_kerr1738 May 30, 2018

3๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž