Source Code

Spit Facts

A meme originating from the TVFilthyFrank video Human Cake were Vsauce Spits Facts.

Commenter: Do spit facts pleas

by ToasterMan September 6, 2016

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vagina facts

a list of all the men that have had sex with a girl

"i almost had sex with her"
"why didn't you"
"have you seen her vagina facts?"

by john's mom's mom March 31, 2010

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Fact of the Matter

Phrase used by morons to transition from one confusing sentence clause to another. Often used when said moron has absolutely no clue what he or she is speaking about and is engaged in an argumentative conversion. When properly used, the moron--through his own stupidity--renders his conversing opponent speechless and effectively ends the conversation. Consequentially, the moron now believes he is smart and begins to use the phrase more often; making everyone who knows the moron hate him and dread talking to him.

reasonably intelligent person: "The consensus among dietitians is that you should eat solid food and that a diet consisting of mere protein shakes is a crash diet that cannot be sustained for long-term, healthy weight loss."

moron: "Well, I am no scientist and I sure as hell won't be called Tom Cruise, but the fact of the matter is I've lost ten pounds in two weeks on my shake diet and its totally kick ass. Do you even realize that I put ice in the shake and its a solid?"

reasonable intelligent person: "You are a moron"

by how to talk to idiots February 18, 2011

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true facts

Said in response to a comment that is very true. Can also be spelled "true fax" or "tru fax/true fax".

May also be shortened to simply "truth".

"Dude, Anchorman is seriously one of the funniest movies ever."
"True Facts."

by beyond_retarded May 27, 2008

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Terry Fact

a surprisingly impressive piece of information that, upon further inspection, reveals itself to be completely implausible and, upon even further inspection, blatantly false and borderline ludicrous.

Did you hear the latest Terry Fact? That there is more Monopoly money in the world than fiat currency?

by palvar November 10, 2012

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Gott Fact

information sourced from wiki then relayed incorrectly under the guise of 100% factual information.

China leads the world in the design and manufacture of iPods - Gott Fact

by youknowwhoiam23 May 13, 2012

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Fact Jew

Fact Jew is a more socially accepted way of saying 'F*** you'.
It derives from the way an iOS device corrects the words 'F*** you' when being typed. Contrary to popular belief, there is no 'fiction jew' as that would just be preposterous.

"Hey Henry, we're going to the shopping centre without you"
"Why do you have to do this to me? Fact Jew!

"Hey Henry, we've decided that you can't come with us to town"
"Why do you have to do this to me? Fact Jew!"

by sahimster September 2, 2012

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