A word originally created by Jarhead as a less vulgar way of saying “fuck”. Adding the suffix “le” makes it a universally acceptable swear word.
Lucilla, what the fuckle are you doing?!
A word originally created by Jarhead, that can be used as a non cuss word in place of “fuck”. Adding the suffix “le” makes it universally acceptable to say.
What the fuckle are you doing Lucilla?!
A lying piece of shit who never tells the truth about anything and is a complete traitor in everything.
We was supposed to be leaving the EU but those government fuckles never listen to the people!
Verb - A combination of fucking and cuddling.
He wanted to fuckle his girlfriend tomorrow night, but she canceled due to her vows of abstinence.
To fuck someone in a couple of years.
"He's the type of guy that will be really hot in a couple of years. I'd fuckle."
A simultaneous fart and chuckle. Can also be referred to as a "chart"
Woah! Do you smell that? I knew you fuckled!