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Acronym for Great at Yodelling. (Just like that kid in Walmart)

Mm. I love being GAY.
β€œHey, I heard you being GAY last night.”
β€œOh thanks! I practiced at the GAY Academy to learn how to be GAY.

by YourMumGei August 7, 2019

25πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž


Fortnite Battle Royal

Hey erick you wana play FORTNITE!!

Na man that shit gay

by UnseatedBaker March 21, 2019

24πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž



You are gay

by Master oogway is daddy April 29, 2022

17πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


Originally meant joyful, vibrant, and full of life.

Now it's used by ignorant (and often prejudiced) people to describe something that they don't like. It's especially common among teenage boys, who use it to look cool or to "hide" their insecurity about gay people.

Gay is now slang for a homosexual person, that is, somebody who is attracted romantically and sexually to people of their own sex.

Gay men are known as gays, while gay women are known as lesbians. And some bisexuals also identify as gay.
Up to 1 in every 10 adults is predominantly gay; everybody is somewhere in between the two extremes of heterosexual and homosexual.

Gay is sometimes, but not always:
-Living with AIDS.
-Living a promiscuous life.
-Acting very much like the opposite gender (very masculine women and very feminine men.)(When people think of these stereotypes, they're usually thinking about transsexual people or transgender people instead. Most of these people are straight and just happen to identify as the opposite gender.)
-All about sex.

Gays are perfectly normal people. Their only "difference" is that they (romantically) love somebody of their own sex. Aside from the cruel prejudice that they face because of who they love, they usually are able to live wonderfully full, happy lives.

Often, gays have reclamed old derogatory terms for them as terms of affection: fag and queen for the men, dyke for the women, etc... although they can still be used as insults by the bigoted.

Gays sometimes do imitate heterosexual gender roles (butch and femme) in their marriages (in every other way if not legal), but most do not; plenty of femmes pair up with other femmes, butches with other butches, androgynous and so forth. It's often remarkable how much their unions resemble heterosexual unions.

A man can be highly flamboyant and act and dress quite feminine, but sleeping with men is the last thing on this mind. Likewise, a man can be incredibly butch and swaggering, and yet he likes to sleep with men; being gay has to do with who you are attracted to sexually, not how masculine or how feminine you are.

Gay is not all about sex. Most gays are happy doing other things than sex. And most gays loathe the idea of molesting a child, contrary to the beliefs of ignorant people. (Almost all pedophiles are heterosexual)

And with marriage ending in so many divorces, then those in favor of marriage should be happy that there are people who want to get married and are willing to fight for that right. Gays have had to fight so much for the basic rights that straights take for granted.

-"Those flowers are so lovely in here! So bright and gay! Don't you think so?"
-"Yes! Quite nice to look at!"

Aw man, this computer is being gay! It won't let me print!

-"Scott... I have to tell you something very important...
-"What is it, Colin?"
-"I- I'm gay."
-"That makes two of us."
-"You are?!... Then are you comfortable knowing...?"
-"Knowing what?"
-"That I love you..."

by Lorelili March 24, 2005

191πŸ‘ 301πŸ‘Ž


1. Happy

2. Homosexual

Also used by asshole homophobes. It does not mean stupid!

1. I'm feeling so gay right now because I got a cat.

2. Yes, I am gay, I like men and I am a man.

by elephantluvr July 4, 2009

230πŸ‘ 363πŸ‘Ž

That's not gay then

A subtle expression of disbelief at someone being totally blind to the self-delusion in what they've just said.

Echoes the sound of "That's OK then", and is usually used ironically.

It's not homophobic, but is a response to people saying things like "I slapped DeepHeat (Ralgex, Wintergreen, ...) on my mate's wedding tackle. It wasn't gay because it was in the showers after football practice".

See, eg, Flap Jacks for further examples.

A: I just ran someone over in the street, but it doesn't matter because they were already in a wheelchair.
B: Well, that's not gay then.

Politician: Military deaths in Afghanistan/iRaq have reached X, but civilian deaths don't count.
Political commentator: That's not gay then.

A: I 69'ed my mate yesterday, but it wasn't gay because we both spat it out.
B: Actually that was a bit gay of you. Nearly as gay as a treeful of parrots. You couldn't get much more gay without donning a backless gimp suit and chaining yourself to a lamp-post outside a gay nightclub in Gayton at closing time.

A: I gimp-suited up and handcuffed myself to a lamp-post, but it wasn't gay because I was drunk, and anyway I had my fingers crossed at the time.
B: 'Nuff sed.

by Mathilda Underfoot February 7, 2010

18πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž


I. adjective
This means generally homosexual. Usually it is applied to homosexual males, but is sometimes used to refer to homosexual females as well.

II. noun
A homosexual person, usually a man. Homosexual females are commonly called lesbians.

III. The original definition of gay was 'carefree', 'happy' or 'bright and showy'. It came from the Old French word gai, and arrived in English during the 12th century.

IV. These days 'gay' is, wrongly, used to refer to something (namely an inanimate object, for example a bag) that is unfavourable. Synonyms of this sort include 'sad' and 'lame'. They are all wrong, because an inanimatr object, such as a bag, presumably do not have feelings (sorry, bags, if you do) and therefore they cannot be sad, and this is a ridiculously derived insult. Bags do not have legs either, and thus they cannot be lame. But the supposed 'insult' of 'gay' annoys me most. Firstly because an inanimate object, such as a bag, cannot really be attracted to other things of the same sex. According to humans, as we made them, they do not have genders of their own.

Offensive, rude, and not-to-be-used 'synonyms' include faggot, fag and queer, the latter not being as bad and commonly used by gays themselves - but there are many more worse ones. For lesbians there is dyke, lez and lezzer, but there are probably far worse for these too.

A woman or girl who has many gay male friends is sometimes known as a fag hag.

Gay is not an insult.

I love gay people.

I. Two gay men live happily up the road. :)

II. The gays said they were going clubbing.

III. We'll have a gay old time.
He felt light and gay, and began to dance for joy.

IV. Omg dat's like so gay innit. Faggooot. :(


"Gay is not an insult."

"I love gay people."


Cain - "I just had sex with Marcus."

Alaric - "Good grief, Cain, that makes you gay!"

Cain - "Hell it does, lad."

Alaric - "Well I like you no less. In fact I like you more."

This is good.

by Caladhiel June 24, 2009

129πŸ‘ 205πŸ‘Ž