Source Code

gee wiz

Oh No!
Im so surprised!

Gee wiz that was funny.

by Nick Hofstetter August 29, 2003

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Cecelia Gee

The biggest bitch you will ever meet at the school Archbishop Macdonald High School.

Man, don't be a Cecelia Gee!

by Archbishop Macdonald April 30, 2010

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someone who is staring,
usually a lustful stare
at a bar or other public place.
Also can be used as a verb.

"I'm gonna smash that gee-gawker's nose if he keeps staring at my girlfriend." "Stop gee-gawkin' mah cock."

by Dadrun Kwan April 7, 2009

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geeing up

to hype someone up for make a big deal about whatever they’re doing , commonly used as australian slang. pronounced jee-ing

sam-β€œhey boys cooper just asked out hailey!”

*all boys start cheering and teasing cooper*

cooper-β€œguys stop geeing me up!”

*boys continue geeing up cooper*

by domeafavorandkillme March 17, 2022

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homie gee

real good friend; someone you know

by skylar September 25, 2003

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Gee willikers

The white, Christian, Texan neighbour with 5 kids way of saying "yikes"

Basically Ned Flanders

Man 1: I shot a kid for trespassin' on ma lawn with the 12-gauge
Neighbour: Gee willikers!

by tactical beans December 18, 2020

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chur gee

another word for a person of kiwi decent, used as a call that you shout to lure other kiwi's. Also a compliment given to people by kiwi's

aye "chur gee". (Kiwi raises head) oh chur gee how it goin bro wanna get sum fush and chups.

by Big Boi B April 18, 2018

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