Giants fan who leaves the server a ton because he can’t hold his emotions then goes crazy. Also rules the world with co-leader rifty Aka soon to be mod
A homosexual who is very good friends with a Vicarious Dream, they're basically gay together, they like to Yoza each other's Anuks.
Is that an Apple The Giant?, Where's his Vicarious Dream
A name given to people by little ginger fags when they are destroyed, generally when some truth is laid out on the table.
The yellow giant fucking destroyed the little ginger fag with the l33t ass truth.
Skill giant on top its better than gayblins and giant and prince it zaps everything with skill
Skill giant is the best goblins suck
Slang for GF/'Girl Friend' (the G for Girl is changed to Giant, the F for Friend is changed to Frog).
I like eating fries with my Giant Frog
I just moved in with my Giant Frog Bernadette
"Who is Kate?" "She's Geoff's Giant Frog"
A man over 6ft tall that looks like a leprechaun or is of Irish origin having red hair
Look at will the giant leprechaun
A giant panda is a animal that is big cute and fluffy but could kill you
Person: I would give that giant panda a hug but it would fücking kill me