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All gongler and people of the gong army we shall rise up to attack people who don't believe in the gong we will convert the whole gongaverse to the gong we shall worship the gong

example in Gonganese "gong GONG gon GONG Gong"

by The Gong Man of The Land July 29, 2024


Its Baluchi word for someone who is mute

alterative use is to call someone stupid a gong

Faris is a GONG

by Cheddar11 September 23, 2023


Something that looks very ugly

You look like a gong in those jeans

by Stitch uhv September 17, 2018


another word to describe a stupid action or crazy action

you are so gong
what a gong move

by maggieken April 27, 2018


A very famous and highly moral teenager belonging to the royal Kin family of Guangdong, China, known for his amazing beauty & superior intellect. Has been in the business since the '90s & is about to celebrate his 16th birthday soon.

That guy is a total Gong! Both a virgin AND a teenager AND drop dead gorgeous. Wow!

by Kin Family November 24, 2021


A Canadian word meaning shit

This is a gong show!

by dequaris Jamal Jackson the 3rd December 24, 2022


Gong is used to show that you're part of the Gonglan.

As a member, a gongler, should always use the phrase "on gong" when expressing agreement.

- Hello fellow gongler!


by Bezakos September 1, 2023