You got enough dick for breakfast, lunch and dinner... And maybe a snack.
He got a grocery dick.
when a guy/ girl is never satisfied with the relationship they have and as always looking for the better guy/girl.
I feel bad for Dan. Naomi has a bad case of grocery store Syndrome.
Refers to the astonished stare that you assume when taste-testing two or more brands of a particular supermarket-offering and unexpectedly discover that you actually **prefer** the lower-priced store-brand (which traditionally would be expected to have a "weaker 'n' thinner" flavor/texture), rather than a costlier "big name" product.
Being on SSI and Food Stamps and thus having a very-limited budget, I am used to just buying the "el-cheapo" store-brand of groceries whenever I can stand their usually-milder-tasting flavors. Occasionally I do "splurge" and buy the pricier "fancy-pants" foods, though, when the taste is dramatically better, such as Nutella hazelnut spread or Armour Vienna sausage. One startling exception to this latter condition, though, was in the case of Dinty-Moore beef stew as opposed to just the Great Value brand... I bought a can of DM just to try it out in comparison to the WalMart brand, and I had a total case of generic-grocery gawk --- the Dinty-Moore brand was absolutely a-w-f-u-l, whereas the richly-tasty Great Value stew won hands-down! Boy, ya never know till ya try it, do ya???
1. A place where you go to buy five things but somehow leave with twenty, none of which you actually needed.
2. A chaotic battlefield riddled with ugly severely obese people buying gazillions of junk food blocking the aisles and cash desks. Carts have a mind of their own, and every checkout line is either way too long or moving at a glacial pace.
3. A black hole of disappointment with often expensive or poor-quality or spoiled/about-to-get-spoiled food (especially fruits or vegetables), which somehow occasionally also includes food with zillion preservatives (!) (i. e. desserts, etc.).
Person 1: "I swear, every time I go to the grocery store, the fruit is already halfway to moldy."
Person 2: "Classic. Grocery store trips are just scavenger hunts for disappointment."
Person 1: Today I bought a dessert and when I opened it, it was moldy!
Person 2: Typical stupid groceries...
*person 2 goes shopping*
*returns after over 1 hour*
Person 1: Why it took you so long?
Person 2: Cuz the checkout lines were totally riddled with obese people buying tons of sweets and other junk foods as if it were supplies for 2 months blocking cash desks.
Fuel bought at a place outside of a major gas company.
Friend A: Man, gas prices are getting crazy-high lately. It's up to 2.48 a gallon.
Friend B: I told you about that. Better off going to Ingles or Kroger and pump that 1.98 grocery gas and keep it moving.
Feral kids, usually with dirty feet and poorly clothed. Indicative of children that run wild without parental supervision in a commercial store. They may be seen screaming, crying, demanding items "they want", and may be found blocking your path down a narrow isle while their parents refuse to tell them to get out of the way.
*Use caution when approaching Grocery Store Children as they may bite and are known to a carrier disease.
I see someone's Grocery Store Children out on the scene of that wreck. (Quote: Sheree Horn)