wow look at that swaggy seggsy gurl! oh it’s just Luana.
they r so beautiful girls.s they arer . gorgous.
russian gurls so pretty i wishih had 1
A kiddy gurl is like a funny nickname mostly used when speaking to someone you love or someone you care a lot about. You don’t really use it around friends you aren’t close to because it’s sort of an odd term KAK.
when two people, usually significant others, go back and forth saying a repeated phrase in a valley girl style voice.
girl: hey boi
boy: hey gurl
g:hey boi
b:hey gurl
everyone else in the room: will you shut up?
this is a valley-gurl volley
A girl who gets very emotional about animals.
I feel so sad for Sam, her bird passed away, she’s a picme gurl