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mormon handjob

Noun: a sexual act that involves manual stimulation of the genitals through the recipients clothing.

Ann gave Mitt a "mormon handjob" to make him feel better after his loss on election night.

by TriDickUnicorn March 14, 2014

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banana handjob

The couple peels a banana and the one partner takes the banana peel and puts it on the males penis and then puts her hand outside the peel and gives him and handjob with the banana peel while the person giving the blowjob eats the banana

We went to the zoo and on the way home my wife gave me a banana handjob

by The Frat House December 31, 2015

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boston handjob

The interesting (mythical?) act of inserting your penis in a woman's anus (girl 1) while another woman (girl 2) fists the first and strokes your member to ecstasy through the thin divideing wall between ass and vaj.

A: Dude...Fuck...I totally got a Boston Handjob from Amanda and Cheryl last night...
M: Did you fuck, ya dirty bastard.
(A cocks eyebrow and swaggers off knowingly...)

by Capt. Volcano August 4, 2008

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ranch handjob

When two or more cowboys jack off each other in a speed competition. The winner gets to ride the other participants Bareback mountain style.

Man Ben got ridden hard by Billy Bob George the cowboy after he lost at a game of ranch handjobs.

by VinceNoir June 23, 2006

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Mississippi Handjob

When you have anal sex with a girl/guy and finish by getting a footjob because their hands are too busy holding the meth pipe.

Sis gave me the ol Mississippi Handjob since her hands were too busy with finishing up pa.

by Jimmy RJ Lennon February 24, 2014

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inverted handjob

When a man does a handstand while a woman gives him a handjob

John removed his trousers and did a handstand. Lisel gave him a handjob. Thus, an inverted handjob was performed at a high level of expertise.

by INVERTEDHJ4LIFE May 17, 2006

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russian handjob

when a girl jerks you off and finishes off on her tits.

Olga gave me a russian handjob at the new place last night, it would have been better if she had bigger tits.

by big eazzzy May 21, 2008

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