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hardcore kid

lets see a true hardcore kid does not wear tight pants thats gay scene bullshit. and crews are not a part of hardcore. true hardcore kids don't follow a trend and they don't have to dance at shows to be hardcore. hardcore is about not following trends. it's about being free from the masses. and you don't have to be edge to be hardcore anyone can be edge.this is the true definiton of a hardcore kid they don't give a fuck what you think. they do what they want to. they don't follow your stupid trends. and they don't join stupid crews.

ignorant kid: hey look that kid has tight pants on and a black band shirt on he's hardcore.

true hardcore kid: your so stupid that is not hardcore that is scene bullshit. he looks like such a fag. by the way. YOUR TEAM.

by dyllan miller April 3, 2007

236๐Ÿ‘ 118๐Ÿ‘Ž

hardcore pussyfuck

Basically a word for slamming your penis into a woman's vagina with great force.

"That was a real hardcore pussyfuck, mate."

by AreetLadHow'sYe April 25, 2014

10๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hardcore Kids

HxC kids don't wear tight jeans, or have big hair, or listen to any bands listed above.

Typical HxC Kids have buzzed hair, khaki or gym shorts, and pullover hoodies.

REAL hardcore bands

REAL HxC Kids will don't do that gay "hardcore two-step" dancing talked about above either.

Leg tattoos are popular, but someone with all of the "stupid" piercings listed above like septums and large gauges is really a scenester, not hardcore

Hardcore Kids

Hardcore Kid, "Fuck those scene kids"
Hardcore Kid2, "Yeah, if they don't want to be in the pit, they should get the fuck out"

by drogomerta March 11, 2010

147๐Ÿ‘ 70๐Ÿ‘Ž

wicked hardcore

Adj: A New England (specifically Massachusettes)slang term for something that is extreme or incomparable in nature or in quality; cool; awesome

A true Bostonian may remark:
We were all at the Aerosmith concert last Saturday night.
It was wicked hardcore!

by James Cox September 26, 2006

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Hardcore Furry

Not to be confused with a regular furry, a hardcore furry dress up as an animal and engages intercourse with another hardcore furry. It is a widely stereotyped that all furries do this but it is only the hardcore furries that have sex in their costumes.

Chirs and Desiree like to dress up as cats and have hardcore furry sex

by Doggie123g August 10, 2011

8๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

hardcore kid

1. a "kid" even if only at heart, who stands up for something they believe in.
2. someone who enjoys hardcore music
3. someone who is obsessed with something

not necessarily "punk" or "emo"

1. that kid is a hardcore vegan
2. that kid sure loves hardcore music. he is a hardcore kid
3. that gamer is such a hardcore kid

by notyourbusiness January 14, 2006

156๐Ÿ‘ 75๐Ÿ‘Ž

post hardcore

Music that is as heavy, nasty and edgy as hardcore but not as one-dimensional and features exponentially less use of the words "respect" and "hate" in its lyrics and content... It has nothing whatsoever to do with Taking Back Sunday or Dashboard Confessional; defining "Post Hardcore" in such a manner displays profound ignorance of even the slightest notion of what constitutes this phrase's crucial rootword "Hardcore" and anyone providing such a definition that includes the above-mentioned bands wouldn't know "Hardcore" if it walked up and punched them in the teeth while wearing brass knuckles or if Sheer Terror was playing a live show in their mother's basement.

"That website all the emo-mo's and whitebelts whine and post pictures of themselves on lists 400 Blows as "Post Hardcore" - that's interesting, I'd call it Metal or Rock."

by MattFromVacationlandWhat January 5, 2006

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